Numerology and House Numbers_ThursdayinAugust

You and Your Neighbors Exposed Through Numbers!

It’s no secret that numbers have a deeper meaning, as they are charged with energy. In numerology, numbers and their energetic vibrations can reveal much about your personality, character, profession, career, hobbies, interests, lifestyle, life path/destiny, and the environment you find yourself in, including your home. Whatever type of house you live in — be it a townhouse, condominium, or apartment — it is no coincidence or accident that you live at a certain address with a specific house number. Because there are no coincidences in life. I realized this when numerology came into my life many moons ago. By observing people and their behavior, I realized that everything is energy. I also learned that we attract what our soul wants and needs to experience through free will and karma. This includes our place of living. So, wherever you live, know that your place of residence and, more specifically, the house you live in is no accident. Your soul has chosen your address, including the lessons that take part in the place you call home.

Now, you can’t always choose where you live. Besides karma and destiny, other (socio-economic and political) factors may also play a role in where you end up living. So, anyone with a roof over their head should call themselves lucky. But if you are one of the fortunate people who can choose their own house and house number; choose carefully! Why? As mentioned before, numbers have meaning because they are charged with energy. Hence, the number connected to your house may influence you and the people you live with more so than you think.

So, do you know the meaning and significance behind your house number? Have you ever wondered why you are drawn to a certain number? Have you always wondered why your neighbors behave the way they do or why they’ve decorated their homes, balconies, or gardens in a specific way? Or have you ever examined yourself and wondered why you behave the way you do, or have decorated your house a certain way? Why are some people’s homes a big mess and others have well-put-together homes? Why are some neighbors loud, nosy, gossiping, and present all the time, and others are distant, aloof, quiet, and mind their own business?

How well do you know your neighbors, how well do they know you, and how well do you know yourself? Do you know the hobbies or interests of your neighbors or what they do for a living? Even if you don’t want to know your neighbors and perhaps they don’t want to know you; by the end of this blog article, you will understand how your house number influences you and why your neighbors behave the way they do.

At the end of this article, you won’t look at yourself or your neighbors the same anymore as you will be able to connect the energy behind numbers with the people who live at a specific house number. I will share with you my thoughts about some things I have observed in people who live at a certain house number. As such, you will better understand why your neighbor who always is (or looks) mad, heavily active doing chores (in and around the house), knows everybody’s business, perhaps has a motorcycle, works in security, owns a gun, and got into trouble with the law, may live on house number 9, 27 or 18. You will discover why people who live at house number 4, 22, 13, 31 (or any number that adds up to 4) are often foreigners, foreign-speaking, secretive, have unorthodox hobbies, have a non-traditional family structure, may be loud in speech, or have an unconventional profession.

That said, below you’ll find a description of various house numbers and how the energy behind each number may affect the people living there. Now, keep in mind that your house number may also be related to a prominent number of either your numerological DNA or that of your family members. As such, your house number could relate to e.g., your Life Path, Birthday, or Expression number. Nonetheless, the below descriptions will give you a general idea of what you can expect from people living at various house numbers and what the energy behind their house numbers reveals about them.

Just a simple reminder: The numbers 1 to 9 are the most important in numerology. All calculations end up with a number running from 1 to 9. So, the next descriptions are based on the energies behind each of these nine numbers. However, I will also provide examples of house numbers with more than a single digit.

So, without further ado, let’s begin.

House number 1 or any house number containing 1 or one that can be reduced to a 1, such as 10, 28, 82, 91, 19, 343, or 352.

The planet associated with the number 1: the Sun

What to expect?

Residents of a house influenced by the energy of the number 1 can either be a one-person household, or a one-family household (single-parent or two-parent). With the Sun influencing such a house, the people living here tend to be more individualistic, independent, or even dominant by nature. As such, ego-clashes are bound to happen, which could lead to break-ups and divorces. So, this is not a favorable house number to sustain relationships, especially in the romantic sphere. Nevertheless, those who live in a house with the number 1, could have their own business (either from home or elsewhere), work as freelancers, or be independent contractors. If they don’t own a business, they may hold a supervisory, leadership, or managerial position in some company or organization related to the Sun. They could work in public services (healthcare, social care, education, arts & culture) or for the government (judiciary, politics, defense, police), or have a career in business services, professional services, entertainment, media, marketing, sports, and the creative industries.

You may also find that some individuals living in a house under the influence of the number 1 may not necessarily have a job or own a business. Instead, they may be the head of the household (e.g., stay-at-home mom or dad) and care for things in and around the house. Interestingly, a house under the influence of the Sun could often indicate people who do not interfere with neighbors or their neighborhood, for that matter. Oftentimes, you would find that they keep things to themselves and value their privacy. These are very self-focused individuals who prefer to mind their own business and focus on themselves and those who are part of their household.

When it comes to home décor and design, you may find that the house may look quite simple from the outside, yet well-maintained, organized, neat, and clean, with perhaps vibrant-colored curtains and blinds. Elements of yellow, gold, orange, and bright red could be incorporated into the interior or exterior design. For some, their house usually stands out from the crowd because of its location (e.g., it may be on the street corner), radiant colors, home décor, or design. However, you cannot always see what goes on inside as some may have their curtains or blinds half open or closed all day. People influenced by the number 1 come across as if they have something to hide. For some, it may be the case, as they are quite private individuals who dislike sharing their business and whereabouts with others. However, because of the Sun’s energy, they don’t care what others think of them. They often only care about what goes on outside their home and their lives. That’s how self-involved they may be. In addition, they are naturally drawn to those who share the same social status.

Also, you may not always see them around. Wherever they may be, you won’t always see them coming and going. Some could sit inside all day without leaving their home, others may be out and about without you noticing. But if you see them, they could be physically active in and around the house; either working from home, cleaning and taking care of the garden (including the fruits and vegetables they’re growing), exercising, doing creative activities, or being busy with their children. Some may even have an entire gym inside their home or own a business related to sports and thus may sell sports drinks or protein powder shakes. As such, residents living in a house with the number 1 could have a promotional vehicle parked outside or a company logo printed next to their house number plate. You might also see other creative branding in and around their house, such as a flag, banner, yard, or sidewalk sign. Whatever type of brand signage one may choose, it shows where they work, what they do for a living, what they promote or sell, and what business they run. Brand signage makes their house quite noticeable and showcases what makes their home stand out from the crowd.

Note: When a house number has more than one digit, keep in mind that these digits/numbers also have a minor influence on the people living in that house.

Here’s an example.

Example house number 343.

When you add and reduce this house number to a single digit, you‘ll end up with the number 1 as per the calculation below.

3 + 4 + 3 = 10

1 + 0 = 1

This means that, besides the Sun (1), the energy of Jupiter (3) and shadow ‘planet’ Rahu (4) influence this house and the people living in it, albeit on a lesser scale. The number 1, ruled by the Sun, has the biggest influence overall.


House number 2 or any house number containing 2 or one that can be reduced to a 2, such as 20, 11, 38, 56, 92, 146, or 254.

The planet associated with the number 2: the Moon

What to expect?

A house influenced by the energy of the number 2 often represents a one-family household (single-parent or two-parent) or a two-person household (usually a couple or any other form of relationship in which one shares a house). If a family resides here, the mother or mother figure usually leads this household. Since the Moon is linked to the number 2, it means that change is inevitable; from mood swings to home changes and house moves. Hence, for some, this is not always a permanent home. Either new people move into the house after some time and the old residents leave, or the entire family structure might change suddenly. The latter may happen because of a breakup, divorce, family expansion, or children leaving the nest. There are always changes going on inside a home influenced by the Moon. Another change you may notice here is the house tends to be in a continuous development mode. You may often see various home improvements: from bathroom renovations and garden redesigns to home additions, extensions, and brand-new interiors.        

When it comes to home décor and design, you may find that the house may quite often look well-maintained, balanced, organized, neat, and clean. White, cream, grey, and anthracite grey are usually the dominant colors incorporated into the interior and exterior design. They also enjoy bringing some aspects of nature into their home; flowers, plants, and homeware made from natural materials can be seen in various areas and rooms. If there is a garden present, you may often find it is well-maintained and you may see the residents of this house spending a lot of time in their garden, either working or relaxing. This also pertains to a balcony or terrace. In addition, those who enjoy nurturing others and caring for people in need may even have a ‘little free food pantry’ in their front yard. A Moon-influenced house is also quite secure and protected in such a way that it may have the finest home security system, window blinds, and shutters. The overall home environment is quite peaceful, safe, and tranquil. But this depends on whether these residents have a balanced or imbalanced mind. 

Although changes may happen occasionally, people in a Moon-inspired house are usually quieter than their neighbors. They like to keep to themselves and thus value their privacy. This can also be seen in the home aesthetics and design; you can’t always look inside as the house is very protected and secure (e.g., blackout window coverings or burglar-proof windows). But if you get a chance to see what goes on in such a home, you could see the residents doing a variety of recreational activities (either indoors or outdoors). This includes reading a book, playing with their children, doing creative activities, enjoying good times with family and friends, cooking, eating, cleaning the garden, and nourishing their plants and flowers. These are people who cherish their loved ones and enjoy spending time with them as much as possible; this brings a sense of peace, happiness, and balance into the household. Now, you won’t always hear loud sounds and noises coming from this house, unless there is a party, such as birthday celebrations or other family get-to-gathers. Noise nuisance is usually not prominent in such a home, but this does not mean it never happens. Because of the Moon’s energy and influence on a house carrying the number 2, emotions can run high, which may lead to dissatisfaction, conflicts, and disputes. However, if there are arguments that cause (mental and emotional) imbalances in the household that even neighbors might hear, it would be once in a blue moon.

Regarding professions, those living in a house influenced by the number 2 could work in fields related to the Moon. This includes professions in public services (education, healthcare, social care, transportation), airline, travel, tourism, hospitality, food and beverage, and the creative industries.

Note: When a house number has more than one digit, keep in mind that these digits/numbers also have a minor influence on the people living in that house.

Here’s an example.

Example house number 650.

When you add and reduce this house number to a single digit, you‘ll end up with the number 2 as per the calculation below.

6 + 5 + 0 = 11

1 + 1 = 2

This means that, besides the Moon (2), the energy of Venus (6), the Sun (1), and Mercury (5) influences this house and the people living in it, albeit on a lesser scale. The number 2, ruled by the Moon, has the biggest influence overall.


House number 3 or any house number containing 3 or one that can be reduced to a 3, such as 12, 21, 39, 48, 75, 381, or 723.

The planet associated with the number 3: Jupiter

What to expect?

Residents of a house that is influenced by the energy of the number 3 can either be people who are spiritual, religious, or materialistic or are a combination of all three mentioned. If they are religious or spiritual, you would see ornaments and decorations in and around their home, such as religious books, crosses, statues of Jesus, angel figurines, posters with religious text, wall tapestries, candles, incense burners, crystals, gemstones, dream catchers, Hindu flower garlands, and Buddha statues. These are people who could have their own creative business (either from home or elsewhere), work as freelancers, or be independent contractors. If they don’t own a business, they may be employed in various areas within the service industry such as IT, social and public services (education, healthcare, social care, transportation), financial services, media, entertainment, transportation, travel, and tourism.

You may also find that some individuals living in a house under the influence of the number 3, i.e. Jupiter, may be quite explorative by nature and love traveling and socializing. They love to be out and about and socialize with people, whether these are their neighbors, friends, co-workers, or family. They don’t shy away from their neighbors unless they have personality issues, social anxiety or it’s more of a cultural thing. Nonetheless, they are speaking, quite approachable, and thus you can easily have some small talk with them. They don’t hide from the crowd. Hence, people who are part of a home influenced by the number 3 are quite noticeable: you will often see them coming and going and various visitors coming in and out of the house. There is always some activity happening in their home. In a Jupiter-influenced home, there is always something to celebrate. And those living there often like to host various parties and events. This includes birthday parties, anniversaries, BBQs, baby showers, kids’ activities, sports events, and spiritual and religious ceremonies. When you see them around, they are always busy doing things; going to and coming from work, cleaning the garden, exercising, reading a book, blasting loud music, cooking, doing creative activities, or playing, singing and dancing around the house with their children.

With some, you may find a collection of stuff in and around their house. These could be anything from figurines, statues, boats, canoes, caravans, and campers to surfboards, a kids’ playground, and unique foreign items collected from their travels around the world or various (market) places. Interestingly, a house under the influence of Jupiter could indicate people who like to hoard things. This is because Jupiter represents an abundance of all kinds. This also includes books. Hence, people living in a house influenced by the number 3 may own a huge collection of books and may have an entire library inside their home. Some could have a ‘little free library’ in their front yard so they can share their love for reading and inspire others to do the same. Whether inside or outside their house, things may not always look minimalistic or extremely organized. Their house and home décor may often represent a mishmash of items. So the exterior and interior may look eclectic, with a varied color pattern with elements of yellow and gold. However, this depends on whether they live on the material or spiritual side of life. If they have a spiritual outlook on life and are more organized by nature, their home exterior and interior would have a more toned-down, simplistic, organized, and structured look. One key thing to share about a house influenced by Jupiter is that expansion and growth are inevitable; from growing one’s assets and spiritual knowledge to expanding a home-based business, adding an extension to the house and a new member to the family.

Note: When a house number has more than one digit, keep in mind that these digits/numbers also have a minor influence on the people living in that house.

Here’s an example.

Example house number 75.

When you add and reduce this house number to a single digit, you‘ll end up with the number 3 as per the calculation below.

7 + 5 = 12

1 + 2 = 3

This means that, besides Jupiter (3), the energy of Mercury (3), the Sun (1), Moon (2), and shadow ‘planet’ Ketu (7) influence this house and the people living in it, albeit on a lesser scale. The number 3, ruled by Jupiter, has the biggest influence overall.


House number 4 or any house number containing 4 or one that can be reduced to a 4, such as 13, 31, 22, 94, 184, 193, or 247.

The planet associated with the number 4: Rahu

What to expect?

Residents of a house influenced by the energy of the number 4 can either be people who are spiritual, religious, materialistic, or atheists, or they could be eccentric, unorthodox, and secretive by nature. Whatever the case may be, one thing is for sure; people living in a house that carries the energy of Rahu are unconventional, and usually foreigners or at least one person within the household speaks a foreign language. They are unconventional in a way that they could have a non-traditional family structure; e.g., cross-cultural families, blended families, same-sex parents, single parents, non-marital relationships, and second marriages. Or they could be in an unconventional career; e.g., they could work as an online business manager, social media content creator, garbage collector, ethical hackers/cybersecurity specialist, delivery driver, mortgage loan officer, or risk manager. They could also have unique hobbies and interests and be collectors of many objects, which makes their home décor quite interesting. Perhaps not the most attractive, but it’s distinctive. As such, you would find a collection of unique items and foreign objects in and around the home. For instance, they could have a passion for koi fish and thus have a koi pond in their backyard. Or they could have an interest in abstract wooden statues, anime figurines, leather whips, or unique weapons, which you could see all around the house. Now, if they are religious or spiritual, you would see ornaments and decorations in and around their home, such as religious books, crosses, statues of Jesus, angel figurines, posters with religious text, wall tapestries, candles, incense burners, crystals, gemstones, dream catchers, Hindu flower garlands, and Buddha statues.

You may also find that some individuals living in a house under the influence of the number 4, i.e. Rahu, may be quite explorative by nature. Though they are quite secretive and keep to themselves, they are always up to something. Though you may not always know what’s up their sleeve, residents living at number 4 (or carrying the number 4 energy) are quite noticeable: you can notice them from afar, and not just by the way they look but also by the way they speak. They can be loud and sometimes harsh in their speech. There is always some noise or some other loud, sometimes unusual activity happening in the home. Somehow, a house with this number seems to be never unfinished. You would often hear the people living there moving things around, drilling, constructing, redesigning, redecorating, and renovating their place. These activities could happen at unusual times, sometimes in the middle of the night. While most neighbors are asleep, they are the ones who are still up doing things, such as watching TV, talking to people on the phone, or vacuuming their entire place. They are always busy repairing, fixing, and improving things in and around the home, which may cause nuisance and disturbances. This is because a house with a number 4 energy usually has a lot of issues; from water leaks, pipe bursts, and asbestos to dealing with rats, mice, and cat flees.

You will often see the residents of such a home leaving and returning and various visitors coming in and out of the house. When you see them, they are always busy doing things in and around the house or in the neighborhood; going to and coming from work, cleaning their cars, working in the garden, gossiping, arguing with family members, talking loudly on the phone, grocery shopping, exercising, blasting loud music, going for walks, jogging, or playing and dancing around the house with their children (if there are any). Interestingly, people influenced by this number often possess more than one car and you would see them always driving (crazily) to some place or fixing their car. You will always hear them arriving and leaving (even in the middle of the night); that’s how loud they can be. They are often the first to complain or get furious when someone takes their usual parking spot, even though they don’t have a license or it’s a free parking zone.

As mentioned previously, you may find a collection of stuff in and around their house. These could be anything from statues, figurines, caravans, and campers to a kids’ playground, or unique foreign items collected from their travels around the world or various (market) places. Interestingly, a house under the influence of Rahu indicates either neat and clean freaks or slobs who like hoarding things. However, this depends on whether they live on the material or spiritual side of life. But if they are obsessed with tidiness and cleanliness, such people would constantly be busy cleaning things in and around the house. You would see them cleaning even though there’s nothing left to clean. Or they would mow the lawn obsessively and cut the grass and trees in their garden until it’s perfect. Some may even have OCD as they are so obsessed with tidiness, cleanliness and having things in order. They simply obsessed about doing things in an orderly, structured fashion. Every day they live their lives according to a certain routine. However, those not obsessed with order, organization, tidiness and cleanliness may possess a lot of junk, which you can see all around the house (both indoors and outdoors). Whether from the inside or outside, things may look a mess, chaotic and disorganized. Overall, a Rahu-influenced house may have high-tech appliances and a collection of stuff based on their hobbies and interests. In addition, the exterior and interior may look eclectic with mixed color patterns or darker colors such as black, dark blue, and smokey grey.

One key thing to share about the house with a number 4 energy is that people don’t live there very long. For most, it is not a permanent home because the energy, which is linked to Rahu, is too disturbing, restless, and unsettled. Hence, new people move in after some time and the old ones disappear. There are always changes going on in this house, and sometimes not for the better.

Note: When a house number has more than one digit, keep in mind that these digits/numbers also have a minor influence on the people living in that house.

Here’s an example.

Example house number 193.

When you add and reduce this house number to a single digit, you‘ll end up with the number 4 as per the calculation below.

1 + 9 + 3 = 13

1 + 3 = 4

This means that, besides Rahu (4), the energy of the Sun (1), Mars (9), and Jupiter (3) influence this house and the people living in it, albeit on a lesser scale. The number 4, ruled by Rahu, has the biggest influence overall.


House number 5 or any house number containing 5 or one that can be reduced to a 5, such as 14, 23, 59, 86, 158, 554, or 734.

The planet associated with the number 5: Mercury

What to expect?

Residents of a house influenced by the energy of the number 5 often represent a one-person, two-person, one-family, or multi-person household (such as friends, cousins, and siblings living together). These are individuals who are curious, outgoing, and explorative by nature. They love to be out and about and socialize with others, whether these are their neighbors, friends, co-workers, or family. Like the number 3 energy, people influenced by Mercury don’t shy away from their neighbors unless they have personality or identity issues. People living in a house influenced by this number and planet are quite approachable and you can easily have some small talk with them. Though they like to mind their own business, they don’t shy away from the crowd. They are quite noticeable as they live a busy, sometimes hectic, life. This is noticeable in their daily activities surrounding the home. You will often see them coming and going and various visitors coming in and out of the house. Although some may be quieter than others, there is always some activity or event happening in their home. They like to plan and host various parties and events. In such a house, there is always something to celebrate; from birthday parties, anniversaries, BBQs, and dinners to kids’ activities, a tennis match win or goal celebration. When you see them around, they are always busy doing things; e.g., renovating the house, cleaning the garden, exercising, reading a book, listening to music, talking (loudly) on the phone, doing creative activities, organizing community events, attending local neighborhood festivities or playing, singing, and dancing around the house with their loved ones. They also have a tendency to gossip about other people or they often seem to know about the latest news and what goes on in the neighborhood.

These are also people who may have their own business (either from home or elsewhere), work as freelancers, or be independent contractors. If they don’t own a business, one may work in various fields concerning Mercury, such as education, information technology (IT), financial services, media, marketing, communication, sales, entertainment, transportation, writing, travel, and tourism. Or they could work in fields involving manual labor. This includes professions such as order picker, construction worker, warehouse operator, painter, technician, delivery driver, or logistics coordinator.

Like the number 4, a house influenced by the number 5 also seems unfinished. You would often hear and see the people living in such a house moving things around, drilling, constructing, redesigning, redecorating, and renovating their place, whether outdoors or indoors. They are always busy repairing, fixing, and improving things in and around the home until it’s perfect.

As mentioned, people living in a house with strong mercurial vibes are natural explorers, unless they suffer from social anxiety. Nonetheless, you may find various items in and around their homes. These could be anything from statues, figurines, boats, canoes, caravans, and campers to camping tents, bikes, a kids’ playground, and unique foreign items collected from their travels around the world or found at various (market) places. Interestingly, a house under the influence of Mercury could either be people who are prone to hoarding and living in chaos or perfectionists who live a minimalistic life and thus prefer to collect less. But you might find that residents of a Mercury-influenced house may either have a lot of junk or have a home with a simplistic design and home decor. The house may also have high-tech appliances or represent a collection of things based on their hobbies and interests. Elements of green could be part of their interior and exterior, whether in plants, murals, furniture, or various home décor. In addition, you may find that the exterior and interior may look either eclectic or simplistic.

One key thing to share about the house with a number 5 energy is that, for most, it is not a permanent home. The energy is just too restless. Hence, either new people move in after some time (and the old ones leave) or the family or household structure might change. There are always changes going on inside a house influenced by Mercury.         

Note: When a house number has more than one digit, keep in mind that these digits/numbers also have a minor influence on the people living in that house.

Here’s an example.

Example house number 59.

When you add and reduce this house number to a single digit, you‘ll end up with the number 5 as per the calculation below.

5 + 9 = 14

1 + 4 = 5

This means that, besides Mercury (5), the energy of the Sun (1), Mars (9), and shadow ‘planet’ Rahu (4) influence this house and the people living in it, albeit on a lesser scale. The number 5, ruled by Mercury, has the biggest influence overall.


House number 6 or any number that has the number 6 in it or can be reduced to 6, such as 15, 24, 33, 69, 78, 222, or 663.

The planet associated with the number 6: Venus

What to expect?

Like the number 2, a house influenced by the energy of the number 6 often represents a family-oriented household (with children) or a two-person household (usually a couple or any other form of relationship in which one shares a home). With Venus linked to the number 6, balance and harmony are key, but this does not always pertain to such a home. Hence, those living in a Venusian-influenced house could either be people who overindulge and live in excess, or people who try their best to live life in a balanced and harmonized manner. Those who overindulge often hoard things they don’t need (their house would be full of stuff), eat junk food, have an unhealthy bank balance, and live an unhealthy lifestyle. However, those who live a balanced life, enjoy home-cooked meals (you would see them cooking and smell the food from miles away), and care for their health, finances, assets, and overall well-being.

Whether one lives a balanced or unbalanced life, people living in a house that carries the number 6 energy enjoy spending time with their loved ones and taking care of things in and around the home. They are kind, social, and approachable. However, they are also nosy and enjoy digging their nose into people’s business. Nonetheless, there is always some activity or event happening in their home. You will often see them coming and going and various visitors coming in and out of the house. They enjoy hosting parties and various events. There is always something to celebrate in a house influenced by the number 6 i.e. Venus. This includes birthday parties, weddings, anniversaries, dinners, BBQs, Sunday brunches, baby showers, kids’ activities, and more. People living in such a house always have something something to do on a daily. When you see them around, they are always busy doing things; going to and coming from work, grocery shopping, cleaning the garden, decorating their front yard (based on a theme of different festivities or season changes), exercising, reading books, doing creative activities, listening to music, or playing, singing karaoke, and dancing around the house with their children.

Such a home could be described as a loving home filled with love. However, this doesn’t mean one does not argue because arguments and disagreements happen. As such, a Venusian-influenced home can be prone to relationship issues, which could lead to breakups and divorces. This may change the dynamics and structure of the home as people move in and out. Then again, a Venusian-influenced home resembles a place where children create liveliness, peace, and happiness.

When it comes to home decor and the design of the house, you may find that from the outside, it may often look well-maintained, organized, neat, and clean. From the inside, it’s also very nicely decorated. This includes beautiful lamps, furniture, paintings, and various home decorations. People influenced by Venus also enjoy bringing some aspects of nature into their homes; homeware items made from natural materials are usually present in different areas and rooms. In addition, you would see beautiful flowers and flowering plants indoors and outdoors. Pink, white, and cream are often the colors one may use to design and decorate a house influenced by the number 6. Some may even own a pink or white car, or just a nice luxury car. Since music is associated with the planet Venus, a musical instrument such as a piano, guitar or a saxophone may be part of the home interior; to either beautify the home or someone within the household has a talent and love for music. If the house has a garden, you may often find it’s well-kept and you may see the residents spending a lot of time in their garden, either working or relaxing. Even if there is no garden present, one may spend a lot of time on their balcony or terrace. Additionally, those who have a caring heart and enjoy helping others in need could even have a little free food pantry in their front yard. Something that’s very prominent for a house carrying the number 6 is that it is prone to home improvements: from bathroom renovations and garden redesigns to home additions, extensions, and brand-new interiors. They are always busy changing things in and around the home. A Venusian-influenced house is also quite secure and protected in such a way that it may have the finest home security system, window blinds, and shutters.

For those living an imbalanced life, such as hoarders, the home aesthetics may not always look beautiful, stylish, neat, and organized. Thus, things may look chaotic. In addition, when things are out of balance in such a home, noise nuisance is prominent; from blasting loud music to loud and sometimes harsh speech.

Regarding professions, those living in a house influenced by the number 6 could work in fields related to the planet Venus. This includes professions in public services (education, healthcare, social care, transportation), or one may work in fields related to the beauty, entertainment, music, wellness, travel, tourism, hospitality, food and beverage, and the creative industries.

Note: When a house number has more than one digit, keep in mind that these digits/numbers also have a minor influence on the people living in that house.

Here’s an example.

Example house number 222.

When you add and reduce this house number to a single digit, you‘ll end up with the number 6 as per the calculation below.

2 + 2 + 2 = 6

This means that, besides Venus (6), the energy of the Moon (2) influences this house and the people living in it, albeit on a lesser scale. The number 6, ruled by Venus, has the biggest influence overall. Nonetheless, the Moon and Venus have quite similar energies.


House number 7 or any number that has the number 7 in it or can be reduced to 7, such as 16, 34, 52, 79, 250, 367, or 754.

The planet associated with the number 7: Ketu

What to expect?

Residents of a house that is influenced by the energy of the number 7 can be either spiritual, religious, or atheist, or they may be eccentric, unorthodox, and secretive by nature. This is often a single-person (or single-parent) household or one that is family-oriented with a nontraditional structure. Like the number 4, people living in a Ketu-influenced house can be quite unconventional, and usually, foreigners or at least one person within the household speaks a foreign language or is in a relationship with a foreigner. They are unconventional in a way that they could have a non-traditional family structure; e.g., cross-cultural families, blended families, same-sex parents, single parents, non-marital relationships, and second marriages. Or they could be in an unconventional, independent profession such as writer, digital marketing manager, content creator, translator, software tester, alternative medicine practitioner, apothecary, researcher, driving instructor, musician, visual artist, or risk manager. They could also have unique hobbies and interests and be collectors of many objects, which makes their home décor quite interesting and distinctive. As such, you would find a collection of unique items and foreign objects in and around the home. For instance, they could have a passion for Greece and Greek culture, and thus have their front and back yard completely decorated in the blue and white colored-styled island of Mykonos. Or they could have an interest in abstract statues, modern art, and cutting-edge technology which you could see all around the house. Hence, they may have a futuristic and stylish interior with various high-tech elements and appliances. In addition, elements of brown, smokey grey, white and beige could be part of the interior and exterior design. In case they are religious or spiritual, you would see ornaments and decorations in and around their home, such as religious books, crosses, statues of Jesus, angel figurines, posters with religious text, wall tapestries, candles, incense burners, crystals, gemstones, dream catchers, Hindu flower garlands, and Buddha statues.

Usually, individuals under the influence of the number 7, i.e., Ketu keep to themselves. You don’t always know what goes on inside their home because they don’t always like to share this information. They keep a detached approach and thus distance themselves from others, including their neighbors, especially when they have nothing in common. They dislike interference and highly value their privacy. People who live in a Ketu-influenced house are usually quieter than their neighbors are and are not always visible. The energy can make them so disconnected from others and their neighborhood that you may think they’re dead and no one’s living there. You won’t always hear loud sounds and noises from this house unless there are celebrations or other family get-to-gathers. Noise nuisance is not prominent in such a home. In case of any arguments that cause imbalances in the household, and even neighbors might hear, it may be around a lunar eclipse.

Interestingly, you don’t always see them coming and leaving their home. They would have visitors over, but it’s not regularly. For them, privacy equals happiness. This need for privacy is often reflected in their home aesthetics and design; you can’t always look inside as it is quite protected and secure (e.g., blackout window coverings or burglar-proof windows). Though you may not always know exactly what’s up their sleeve, they are always up to something. If, however, you get a chance to see what goes on in such a home, you may notice that they prefer to do things in a relaxing way; e.g., reading a book, going for long walks, visiting foreign or faraway places, (they are quite explorative by nature), doing low impact exercises, spending quiet time with their family, working or relaxing in their garden, listening to calm music, watching tv, working from home on their laptop.

Somehow, a house with this number seems to be never unfinished. It’s always in a state of transformation. As mentioned, noise nuisance is not always present, but you may hear occasional sounds of things being moved around, drilled, or constructed. This indicates they may be busy redesigning, redecorating, and renovating their home. So, you may see various home improvements: from bathroom renovations and garden redesigns to home additions, extensions, and brand-new interiors. These activities could happen at unusual times, sometimes in the middle of the night. Thus, while most neighbors are asleep, they are the ones who are still up doing things, such as watching TV, talking to people on the phone, or vacuuming their entire place. This may cause some nuisance and disturbances, but not often. They are always busy improving things in and around the home and transforming their place to make it look perfect. But the reason for these occasional home improvements is that a Ketu-influenced house tends to have a lot of issues. And so, repairs are inevitable.

Note: When a house number has more than one digit, keep in mind that these digits/numbers also have a minor influence on the people living in that house.

Here’s an example.

Example house number 79.

When you add and reduce this house number to a single digit, you‘ll end up with the number 7 as per the calculation below.

7 + 9 = 16

1 + 6 = 7

This means that, besides Ketu (7), the energy of the Sun (1), Venus (6), and Mars (9) influences this house and the people living in it, albeit on a lesser scale. The number 7, ruled by Ketu, has the biggest influence overall.


House number 8 or any number that has the number 8 in it or can be reduced to 8, such as 17, 26, 35, 44, 98, 278, or 881.

The planet associated with the number 8: Saturn

What to expect?

Residents of a house influenced by the energy of the number 8 can often relate to a one-person (usually an elderly or retired person), one-family (single-parent or two-parents), or a huge multi-person household (related or non-related individuals). With a Saturnian-influenced house, the type of social class within each household could go various ways; it can represent people from either a working-class, middle class or upper-class family. People living in a house influenced by this number and planet are not always approachable. They have a serious, stern, and assertive look. It is difficult to have small talk or build rapport with them. They often distrust others and keep their distance, especially when they notice they have nothing in common. In addition, these are people who are naturally drawn to those who share the same social status.

Residents of a Saturnian-influenced house can either be quiet and reserved or loud and outspoken. Although most like to mind their business, some don’t shy away from the crowd. Hence, those who are direct and unreserved in their speech will speak up, especially when they disagree with something or someone. Or if they dislike something about their neighbors or neighborhood, such people will voice their opinions. Also, people under the influence of the number 8 energy are quite noticeable for various reasons. One obvious reason is their appearance and how they carry themselves. Hence, apart from having a stern facial expression, they may have a distinctive look, such as visible tattoos and piercings, or some may be unhealthily skinny, obese or look older than their actual age. Another reason Saturnian-influenced people may be more noticeable is by how they live their lives. They can be quite busy, which you can see in how they go about their daily activities. You will often see them coming and going and various visitors coming in and out of the house. There is always some activity or event happening in their home. They are always busy doing things; e.g., working from home, painting the house, repairing the car, taking care of the garden, watering plants, cleaning the windows, mopping floors, sanitizing the kitchen and various other areas, exercising, walking the dogs, listening to music, talking on the phone, grocery shopping, cooking, doing homework with their children, and spending time with friends and family.

Interestingly, a house carrying the number 8 energy is prone to dealings with law enforcement. On the one hand, it could mean that people who are part of such a home contribute to creating a safe neighborhood and community by engaging, assisting, and working with their local police on various activities. On the other hand, it could mean that this may be a household where issues such as domestic violence may be prevalent, or unruly members of the household may be involved in criminal activities or cause nuisance and disturbances in and around the neighborhood, which may lead to occasional visits from the police. Hence, a house carrying the energy of the number 8, i.e., Saturn, is unfavorable for any form of relationship, as this may lead to separation of any kind, including break-ups, divorces and death.

When it comes to the aesthetics and design of a house influenced by the energy of the number 8, it could go either way; either this represents a house that’s well maintained, organized, neat, and clean or it is one where the residents don’t care about the upkeep of the house, thus things may look disorganized, chaotic and messy. Hence, it indicates neat and clean freaks or slobs who don’t care about their environment. Now, if these are individuals who live up to their responsibilities, are self-disciplined and care about their environment, you would see them constantly busy cleaning in and around the house. These may have OCD as they can be obsessed with tidiness, cleanliness and having things in order. The house is usually well kept to perfection, indoors and outdoors. These are also the types who may have a minimalistic lifestyle and thus have less stuff in their home. If there is a garden, you may often find it well-kept and you may see the residents of this house spending a lot of time in their garden, either working or relaxing. This also pertains to a balcony or terrace. However, those who are careless about their home environment, lack self-discipline, and don’t live up to their responsibilities usually have a lot of junk in and around their homes (indoors and outdoors). They wouldn’t even care about mowing the lawn and cutting the grass. Their garden would look like one huge wild forest. That said, people influenced by Saturn also enjoy bringing earthly elements into their homes, which includes homeware made from natural materials. Elements of black, blue, and purple are often part of the interior and exterior design.

Like the number 4, a house influenced by the number 8 also seems never unfinished. You would often hear and see the people living in such a house moving things around, drilling, constructing, redesigning, redecorating, and renovating their place, whether outdoors or indoors. They are always busy repairing, fixing, and improving things in and around the home until it’s perfect.

Regarding professions, these are people who would be business owners (either from home or elsewhere), work as freelancers, or be independent contractors in the business or professional services industry. If they don’t own a business, they may have a job in areas concerning Saturn, such as the government (judiciary, defense, police) or public services (healthcare, education, social care, public transportation, arts & culture). Or they can be in a profession related to manufacturing and production or one involving manual labor such as a logistics coordinator, warehouse operator, delivery driver, construction worker, technician, mechanic, housekeeper, server, or cleaner.

Note: When a house number has more than one digit, keep in mind that these digits/numbers also have a minor influence on the people living in that house.

Here’s an example.

Example house number 278.

When you add and reduce this house number to a single digit, you‘ll end up with the number 8 as per the calculation below.

2 + 7 + 8 = 17

1 + 7 = 8

This means that, besides Saturn (8), the energy of the Sun (1), Moon (2), and shadow ‘planet’ Ketu (7) influence this house and the people living in it, albeit on a lesser scale. The number 8, ruled by Saturn, has the biggest influence overall.


House number 9 or any number that has the number 9 in it or can be reduced to 9, such as 18, 27, 63, 99, 189, 288, or 594.

The planet associated with number 9: Mars

What to expect?

Residents of a house influenced by the energy of the number 9 can be a one-person, a two-person, or a one-family household (single-parent or two-parent). Like the Sun, a house influenced by Mars often represents people who are more individualistic, independent, or even dominant by nature. They are also risk-takers and natural explorers. They could be business owners (either from home or elsewhere), work as freelancers, or be independent contractors. If they don’t own a business, they may hold a supervisory, leadership, or managerial position in some company or organization related to Mars. As such, they could work for the government (judiciary, politics, defense, police) or in public services (healthcare, education, social care, transportation, arts & culture). They could also have a career in business services, professional services, manufacturing, production, marketing, sports, real estate, travel, tourism, and the creative industries.

You may also find that some individuals living in a house under the influence of the number 9 may not necessarily have a job or own a business. Instead, they may be the head of the household (e.g., stay-at-home mom or dad) and care for things in and around the house. Interestingly, a house under the influence of Mars could indicate people who either do not interfere much with neighbors or the neighborhood or individuals who like to dig their nose into other people’s business and often seem to know about everything that goes on in the neighborhood. The people who belong to the latter category are often also involved in various neighborhood activities and festivities. Those who do not engage in such activities or interact much with neighbors are more self-focused individuals who prefer to mind their own business and focus on their own lives and those who are part of their household.

People living in a Martian-influenced house are not always approachable. They often have a serious, stern, and assertive look. It is difficult to have small talk or build rapport with them at first. That is because they distrust others and keep their distance, especially when they notice they have nothing in common. But once they get to know you, they may open up slowly, but not always.

Also, people under the influence of this number and planet are not always visible. You may not always see them around. But if you see them, they are physically active in and around the house or neighborhood; e.g., painting or repairing the house, taking care of the garden, cleaning the car, repairing their bicycle or motorcycle, cleaning the windows, exercising, walking the dog, going for walks, running, jogging, grocery shopping, doing creative activities, doing voluntary work around the neighborhood, being busy with their children and spending time with their friends and other family members.

When it comes to home décor and design, things could go either way. Either these are highly organized individuals who appreciate a clean and neat environment or it may be people who don’t care about their home environment and things may look quite messy. In case these are neat and clean freaks, you may find that the house itself and the areas surrounding it may look well-maintained, organized, neat, and clean. Even the grass and trees in the front and backyard look sublime and cut to perfection. In addition, those who have a caring heart and enjoy helping people in need may have a ‘little free food pantry’ or a ‘community donation pantry’ installed in their front yard. In case these are slobs, you would find a lot of junk in and around the house and various areas may look chaotic. Elements of red may be part of the interior or exterior design of a Martian-influenced home. For some, their house tends to stand out from the crowd due to its location (e.g., on the street corner), radiant colors, home décor, or design. However, you cannot always see what goes on inside. People influenced by the number 9 could come across as if they have something to hide, but they are just very protective of themselves and their environment. This can be seen in how they’ve secured and protected their home; they may have the most advanced and secure home security system, window blinds, and shutters.

Due to the fiery Martian energy, such a house is prone to accidents, fires, anger, aggression, heavy arguments, fights, and disputes (whether with their loved ones or neighbors). Like the number 8 (ruled by Saturn), dealings with law enforcement might take place while one lives in a house influenced by the number 9. On the one hand, it could mean that people who are part of such a home contribute to creating a safe neighborhood and community by engaging, assisting, and working with their local police on various activities. On the other hand, this may be a household where issues such as domestic violence may be prevalent, or unruly members of the household may cause nuisance and disturbances in and around the neighborhood, which may lead to occasional visits from the police. And if there’s a fire, incident, or accident, firefighters and EMS/ambulance will come to the rescue. Interestingly, some people living in a house with the number 9 may even possess various weapons (e.g., a gun), which could lead to sudden incidents and accidents. 

Finally, this is also a house that seems never unfinished. You would often hear and see the people living in such a house moving things around, drilling, constructing, redesigning, redecorating, and renovating their place, whether outdoors or indoors. They are always busy repairing, fixing, and improving things in and around the home until it’s perfect.

Note: When a house number has more than one digit, keep in mind that these digits/numbers also have a minor influence on the people living in that house.

Here’s an example.

Example house number 99.

When you add and reduce this house number to a single digit, you‘ll end up with the number 9 as per the calculation below.

9 + 9 = 18

1 + 8 = 9

This means that, besides Mars (9), the energy of the Sun (1) and Saturn (8) influence this house and the people living in it, albeit on a lesser scale. The number 9, ruled by Mars, has the biggest influence overall.


That’s it! We’ve come to the end of this blog article.

I hope you’ve gained clarity on how house numbers reveal certain aspects of ourselves and influence our behavior. Perhaps next time when you see your neighbors, you’ll better understand where they’re coming from and why they do the things they do. After all, what goes inside people’s homes and how they behave lies in the energy of their house number that influences their actions and thus behavior. Perhaps next time when you get the chance to move and the opportunity to pick your house number, choose wisely! But if you don’t have a choice, the best advice I can give you is to increase your consciousness, raise your awareness, and work with the energies instead of fighting against them.


Click here to learn more about the planets and their Vedic astrological meaning.

Thank you for reading!
