Astro-numerology can help you in various areas of your life, be it on a personal or professional level. Knowing your Personal Year in advance can help you be more prepared for unexpected events and sudden opportunities. But do you know your Personal Years can also be quite foretelling concerning business matters and thus impact you on a business level? Do you know numbers can serve as a guiding light to help you gain insights into your business ventures and provide you with the right timing to set up, grow, expand, or even close a business? If you’re wondering why your enterprising endeavors aren’t flowing as much as you’d like them to, or you want to learn how to improve your (new) small business with the help of Astro-numerology, then you’ve come to the right address.

I have worked in different international companies in various business and commercial supportive roles. At first, I did not understand why people make certain (strategic) decisions – be it at a functional, business, or corporate level. It wasn’t until I started delving deeply into Astro-numerology that I saw why people do what they do and make the choices they make. By observing people’s actions and behaviors, I realized how numbers, planets, and their energies can affect our decision-making, for better or worse. I’ve learned that every decision we make today will impact us tomorrow, and whatever we decide tomorrow may impact us the day after, and so on. There is not much of a difference in today’s fast-paced business world, where effective decision-making is imperative. So you want to do it right the first time around, as this will prevent you from tons of Mercurial do-overs and Saturnian setbacks.

But how do you do that? How do you make better decisions? What is the secret formula? First, understand that life is all about repetitions and cycles (in numerology, we live our lives in cycles of nine years). Second, pay attention to your past and present behavioral patterns and increase your self-awareness. Finally, be aware of your surroundings, and work with the energies that are all around us. That’s it!

Though we live our lives in cycles, it doesn’t mean we cannot break certain patterns that are not good for our growth. We can! When you learn to recognize your past and present behavioral patterns, increase your self-awareness, pay attention to your surroundings, and align yourself with the universal energies, you will make different choices, make better decisions, and change your future accordingly. Identifying your (negative) patterns and doing something about them can prevent you from not repeating your past mistakes, and thus not having to live life on repeat.

Thus, understanding how numbers and planets work and learning how to work with their energies can unlock the door to a world that can help you and your business prosper, and put you ahead of the game (as long as you play your cards right).  

So, if you are a business owner or planning to start your own business, and want to look at things from a different yet fresh perspective, Astro-numerology is the way to go.

Please have a look at the resources below to help you get started. I also offer consulting services to guide you and help you better navigate your business throughout your nine-year cycles. Just click on the images, and they will direct you to their associated page.