No matter what you are going through and wherever you find yourself within your nine-year cycle, always remember one thing; there is a time for everything in life, and everything in life has its time! And that is where the magic of understanding your Personal Years comes in.

What is a Personal Year?

In numerology, we go through life in cycles of nine years. When the cycle is completed, you get the chance to start all over again. Each year within your nine-year cycle represents a Personal Year. It entails the energies a person may feel and the events one may experience throughout the year. This includes both obstacles and challenges but also opportunities one can seize and manifest on the material plane. Personal Years run from January to December, just like a regular calendar year (aka Universal Year). But since energy is always flowing, you will always feel some residue of the old year’s energies once you transition into the new. You can read more about this here. Having said that, knowing your Personal Year number in advance can help you discover what the new year holds for you personally. And when you know what’s ahead, you can work with the energy (and make things happen for you) instead of fighting against it. Also, you will know when it’s time to sit back and relax and when it’s time to be productive again.

If you truly want to know what’s in store for you, including all the possibilities and probabilities, it is of utmost importance that you learn about the planets in the Universe and their astrological meaning. Simply because each calendar year, including your Personal Year, is ruled (or influenced) by a certain planet. In other words, the year you are in carries a specific theme that is linked to the behavioral qualities and energies pertaining to the nine planets in astrology (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu). Hence, the reason why you may feel differently and experience different things every single year is because every year you are under the influence of a different planet and numerical vibration. And whatever number and/or planet rules your Personal Year could, in turn, influence your behavior and decision-making. That’s why it is also important – apart from understanding the link between numbers and planets – that you are aware of your own behavior. Because numerology is all about human behavior. Personal Years simply serve as a guide to help you identify any repetitive behavioral patterns that you may have so you can stop repeating them and navigate your life in a more conscious and constructive manner. So, no matter what year you are in, always ask yourself: Am I repeating my past or am I building on my past experiences and moving on?

Once you learn to recognize your past and present behavioral patterns and align yourself with the energetic vibrations of the Universe, you will make better decisions in the end. You will prepare yourself better, and you will find the best way to get to your goals successfully. In addition, when you raise your self-awareness and understand the energies of your Personal Year numbers, you will realize how nothing in this world is a coincidence. And you won’t blame anyone for your misfortunes anymore. Instead, you would do whatever it takes to become a master creator of your soul’s destiny and not just a mere victim of your life’s circumstances.

How do you calculate your Personal Year number?

The easiest way to get to your Personal Year number is through the following calculation:

Day of birth + Month of birth + Universal Year number = Personal Year number

Example birthday: 12 September

Example prediction year: 2021

First, you need to calculate the Universal Year number by adding up all the numbers pertaining to the year 2021.

2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 5 Universal Year

Now let’s calculate the Personal Year.

1 + 2 + 9 + 5 = 17, then continue to add and reduce until you have a single-digit between 1 and 9.

1 + 7 = 8 Personal Year

You can also calculate your Personal Year number in a different way.

First, reduce the day of birth (12) to a single digit. If it’s already a single digit, then obviously you don’t have to do this. In this case;

1 + 2 = 3

September is = 9 (because it’s the 9th month)

Now add up all 3 numbers (day of birth + month of birth + Universal Year) and reduce until you have a single-digit.

3 + 9 + 5 = 17

1+ 7 = 8 Personal Year

So, 2021 is a Personal Year 8 (ruled by Saturn) for someone born on 12 September. This person may therefore experience events, obstacles, challenges, and opportunities related to the energies of that number. However, energies related to the  Universal Year 5 (ruled by Mercury) can also be felt through world events in 2021, albeit on a lesser scale.

Here’s another example to calculate your Personal Year number.

Example birthday: 7 November

Example prediction Year: 2022

If you want to know what’s in store in the year 2022 for a person born on the 7th of November, then do as follows;

First, you need to calculate the Universal Year number by adding up all the numbers pertaining to the year 2022.

2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 6 Universal Year

Then, you calculate the Personal Year number as per the formula ‘date of birth + month of birth + universal year number = Personal Year number’

7 + 1 + 1 + 6 = 15, then continue to add and reduce until you have a single-digit between 1 and 9.

1+ 5 = 6 Personal Year

So, the year 2022 is a Personal Year 6 (ruled by Venus) for someone born on 7 November. This person may, therefore, experience events, obstacles, challenges, and opportunities related to the energies of that number. These energies can be twice as intense because 2022 is a Universal Year 6, which is also ruled by Venus.

Before you proceed to my description for each Personal Year (as per below), you might want to read the following blog posts first:

Now click on one of the images below to read all about the possible events, challenges, obstacles, and opportunities you might expect in your Personal Year.

Here’s a tip: If you want to know what’s in store for you in the upcoming year, e.g. 2022, then count back nine years. Because in numerology, our lives run in cycles of nine years. So if you want to know how your Personal Year for 2022 is going to affect you personally, then look back nine years prior to the current one. If you count back nine years, you’ll end up in 2013, which reflects 2022. The same theme and energies will apply. Even similar situations that happened then will occur now. You can also count back 18 years (you’ll end up in 2004), and even further (1995) if you’re old enough to remember what went on in your life back then. Taking some time out for some self-reflection will help you understand whether you are repeating patterns from your past or building on your past experiences. You can do this exercise for each Personal Year. Always count back nine years or even eighteen, and so on.

Start afresh: What to expect in a Personal Year 1?


Be patient: What to expect in a Personal Year 2?
Create your own happiness: What to expect in a Personal Year 3?
Build your future: What to expect in a Personal Year 4?


Time for change: What to expect in a Personal Year 5?
Home is where the heart is: What to expect in a Personal Year 6?
Journey within: What to expect in a Personal Year 7?


You reap what you sow: What to expect in a Personal Year 8?
Endings are just new beginnings: What to expect in a Personal Year 9?

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” 

― Nikola Tesla