Although your Life Path may be the most important number in your numerological birth chart – as it represents the path you’re destined to follow -, however, try not to rely on this number alone. There are namely other important numbers that can help shape your path and help you create your own destiny. Your Birth Day (or Birthday) number is one of them, which I will explain next.

What is a Birth Day Number (a.k.a. Psychic Number)?

Your Birth Day number is, besides your Life Path, the second most important number in your numerological birth chart. It is the day on which you were born. This could be, for example, the 1st, 2nd, 15th, or 25th of any given month.

The day on which you were born can tell you even more about your innate qualities and abilities, including your behavioral and personality traits. It represents those unique traits and talents that come naturally to you. It is your God-given talent. In addition, your Birth Day number is also very foretelling as it can give you deep insight into your psyche. Not only does its energetic vibration influence you on a mental, emotional, and psychological level, but it can also shed light on your emotional and mental reaction to people, situations, and things. Hence why in Chaldean or Indian numerology, it is better known as a Psychic number.  

So, whatever natural talents you possess or behavioral traits you may not even be aware of, know that you can find them through your Birth Day number.

How do you calculate your Birth Day Number?

Obviously, you do not have to calculate a Birth Day number unless it is a double-digit, which you have to reduce down to a single digit. For example, if you are born on the 25th, then you possess special qualities pertaining to the number 7, because 2 + 5 = 7 (influenced by Ketu), and to a lesser extent you may have inherited traits, or possess talents in relation to the number 2 (Moon) and 5 (Mercury) as well. But if you are born on the 6th of the month, for example, then you may consider yourself as someone who has unique and natural Venusian qualities (pertaining to the planet Venus).

The below table serves as a quick reference to see which other numerical and planetary energy may also strongly influence you, besides your Life Path number, based on your birthday. 


If your birthday falls on the


You carry strong qualities of the number



Ruled by


1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th of any month





the Sun


2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th of any month





the Moon


3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th of any month







4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st of any month







5th, 14th, or 23rd of any month







6th, 15th, or 24th of any month







7th, 16th, or 25th of any month







8th, 17th, or 26th of any month







9th, 18th, or 27th of any month





side note: If your day of birth contains a double digit, e.g. 17, 29, 31, then the planets in relation to these numbers may influence you as well, however, to a lesser extent.

NICE TO KNOW: Your Birth Day number supports you on your path in life

Understanding your human makeup through numerology is like learning how to make an 8-layered rainbow surprise cake. You can’t just rely on flour alone, just to bake this kind of cake, i.e. one number can’t tell you everything about your numerological DNA. But when you combine multiple numbers, you’ll be just a few steps away from baking your multilayered surprise cake and understanding yourself a little deeper!

For instance, if you are a Life Path number 7 (ruled by Ketu) and you are born on the 8th (ruled by Saturn), then try not to fixate on the description and signification of the number 7 alone. You may also want to delve into the number 8 and learn more about the signification and behavioral qualities of the planet Saturn, especially if you want to improve your emotional reactions to things, people, and situations, develop your talents, and discover perhaps a new career path.

I have found that when you combine your Life Path and Birth Day number, you can get some clues about someone’s livelihood, profession, and the career their soul has chosen to experience in this lifetime. When you pay close attention, you may even find that until your early thirties, your Life Path number will strongly influence your day-to-day decision-making, lifestyle, career choices, etc. Though numbers and their energies are active from the moment you took your first breath on Earth, however, from your mid-thirties onwards (when you’ve matured and learned your lessons) you may find that your Birth Day number may have a bigger influence on you as you grow in life. The older (and wiser) you become, the more you may express yourself through the energetic vibrations of this number. 

To conclude, your Birth Day (or Birthday) number is an add-on to your Life Path; it is a supportive number, yet an important guide to help you on your path in life, but in a more conscious and constructive manner.

Note: The description of any number in numerology is linked to the planetary energies and attributes. To learn more about the meaning of each planet, click here.

To learn more about Life Path numbers, click here.