Finding out who I am, who I want to become, and what I came here to do on earth has been the greatest part of my spiritual journey. Alongside astrology, numerology has truly helped me in finding the answers I needed. It is one of the most profound esoteric self-help tools and ancient teachings that I use for my personal development, spiritual and psychological growth. More so, Astro-numerology has helped me to make some sense of it all, and find a clearer direction in life.

However, the insight and clarity I found through numerology didn’t happen overnight. It all happened gradually. In fact, my numerology journey started at a point in my life where I found myself at a crossroads, which was in 2015. I had ended an unfulfilling office job, which was draining my soul’s energy because there was no room for growth. However, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do or where I was going next. I just needed a change. I didn’t even have another job lined up. All I felt at the time was the urge to express myself creatively through freelance event planning and writing about fashion and my travels. Hence, Thursday in August was born, in the Fall of November 2015, to be exact. And as I entered 2016, I focused all my attention on lifestyle blogging and wrote about topics related to fashion, beauty, travel, and events.

Then suddenly I started seeing a bunch of repeating numbers everywhere, every single day! It all started with the magical 11:11, followed by the numbers 1:11, 22:22, 222, 333, 444, 555, 12:12, 13:13 and 17:17. At one point, I even started seeing the exact time I was born. I really thought I had gone crazy!! Because seeing these numbers wasn’t just limited to the clock but they popped up randomly on TV, receipts, billboards, etc. I started doing some research on Google about repeating numbers, and that is when numerology popped up. After reading other people’s stories online, it kind of eased my mind that I wasn’t the only one in this world who was seeing repeating numbers. However, I still didn’t want to be influenced by other people’s opinions about the meaning of repeating numbers. So I let it rest for some time.

Nonetheless, I’ve always been spiritually inclined. On some level, I internally knew that God, the Universe, our Divine Creator, the Supreme energy (that exist and created us) was trying to connect with me through numbers. I felt that something inside me was awakening while I was searching for myself through my creative endeavors, but I couldn’t decipher the codes. I couldn’t figure out what it all meant for me on a personal level. So I continued working on my blog and did some freelance event planning here and there, even though the repeating numbers kept following me around.

After blogging nonstop for about a year and a half, I suddenly lost my interest in the topics I was writing about. Just like that. I closed my blog along with my social media accounts and went on a hiatus. I simply couldn’t ignore the signs of the Universe any longer. I really had enough of seeing repeating numbers! From that moment on, I took the numerical signs seriously. In 2017, things turned around for me on a spiritual level. My soul took over my mind, and I obeyed and surrendered to the experience. I delved deep into researching and learning more about numerology, alongside my passion for astrology (which I already practiced before numbers). However, it was around the same time when I also became less interested in Western/Tropical astrology and slowly moved towards Vedic astrology (which has now become my favorite system of astrology). Nevertheless, the more I got myself involved in ‘Astro-numerology’, the more I saw an increased intensity of repeating numbers. Even my dreams became more vivid. I realized I had entered an entirely new and mystic yet exciting world that provided me with profound insights about myself and the world around me.

As time went by, slowly but surely, my path and vision became clearer. I realized what I needed to do next in my life. The numbers and their meaning made more sense to me. I also saw them less, because I followed the voice of God, the signs of the Universe, my intuition, my bliss. Seeing repeating numbers somehow forced me to take my spirituality more seriously. It also forced me to change my overall lifestyle. This included learning and practicing yoga, spending more time alone in nature, and experimenting with Ayurvedic foods. Not only did I make some changes in my lifestyle, but I also changed the direction of my blog into a more spiritual one, which was more in alignment with my newfound self, including my passion for the esoteric world. At one point, I re-opened my blog and stopped writing about the old topics at once. I just felt it was necessary for me to create a more healthy balance between the spiritual and the material world. This made me share more about my experience with numerology on the blog. Fast-forward to 2020; the year when I officially transformed Thursday in August into a more spiritual lifestyle and educational platform, with Astro-numerology as a core base. A new focus that allows me to be more of service to others (through my creative writings) while also sharing my knowledge with the world instead of keeping it to myself.

I think we each have our own ways of seeking guidance to help us navigate through life. For me, it has always been through the planets and stars, and now I can include numbers as well. At the end of the day, everything is connected. Although I have to be honest and say that I didn’t choose numerology to enter my life. Instead, it has chosen me. Even though I initially ignored the signs. In hindsight, I believe that the repeating numbers I was seeing non-stop (after I quit my job) was the Universe’s way of redirecting and guiding me towards my Dharma. What I thought was my new direction was certainly not what the Universe had in store for me. Freelancing in fashion event planning, and blogging about fashion, beauty and my travels didn’t work out, eventually. I’m happy about it and have made peace with it. I’m also happy that I’ve listened to that inner voice and followed the signs because the repeating numbers acted as a catalyst for change and (internal) transformation for me. Numerology has helped transform my life in such a way that it has become more than just a passionate hobby. It is part of my purpose in life, which is to inspire, support, and empower others using my creativity, experience, and knowledge, combined with my love for the written word. And if an ancient philosophy and science like numerology can transform my life, I am sure it can improve the lives of others as well.

In case you’re wondering whether I still see repeating numbers, the answer is; not much. From time to time 11:11, 22:22, or 23:23 may pop up or other digits, but not like before. Let’s just say that whenever I see repeating numbers, it no longer freaks me out. To me, that’s just another sign that I am on the right path. Now I look at numbers as a fun and creative way to discover more about myself and others. Numbers also serve as a practical psychological tool and guidance to help me raise my self-awareness and keep me sane and sound as I explore this crazy world.

….And with these final words, I end this post. Now you know how I got into numerology.

I thank you for reading!
