I have worked in many companies (startups, small, midsize, and MNCs) in various business and commercial supportive roles. At first, I didn’t get why people make certain (strategic) decisions, be it at a functional, business, or corporate level. It wasn’t until I started delving deeply into Astro-numerology that I got to see why people do what they do and make the choices they make. By observing people’s actions and behaviors, I realized how numbers, planets, and their energies can affect our decision-making, for better or worse. However, I also learned that when you align yourself with the universal energies, work with the energies of your personal numbers, and learn to trust the timing of life events, things become easier to handle, irrespective of the challenges. Knowing your Personal Year in advance can help you be much more prepared for unexpected events and sudden opportunities on a personal level. But do you know your Personal Years can also be quite foretelling concerning business matters? Do you know numbers can serve as a guiding light to help you gain insights into your business ventures and provide you with the right timing to set up, grow, expand, or even close a business?

If you don’t know this information and are a business owner or plan on starting a business, keep reading. In this blog post, I will share my thoughts on how the energies of your Personal Year can impact you on a business level and how to best navigate your way throughout your nine-year cycles. I will also provide you with some example of business activities you can focus on throughout each year.

Let’s begin!


Personal Year 1 (ruled by the Sun)

A Personal Year 1 is all about new beginnings, initiation, creation, innovation, breakthroughs, ground-breaking initiatives, and independence.

If you’ve always been employed and have been thinking about going off on your own and leaving the 9-to-5 corporate world behind, then this is a perfect year to do so and become self-employed. A Personal Year 1 is an opportune time to start your entrepreneurial journey from scratch while making long-term plans to meet your future financial goals. It’s an excellent time to create a business plan and get the necessary resources and funding to get your startup off the ground. Or if you don’t need a lot of finances to start your (small) business venture or enterprise, and you solely rely on your savings, skills, and talents, then you can focus on building your website, networking with professionals in your industry, and promoting yourself, including the services or products you may offer.

Whatever original, groundbreaking idea comes up now in this seed-planting year, go with it. The number one is linked to the planet Sun, which represents your soul. So, your soul will only bring forth that which aligns with your purpose. Any creative and innovative idea you implement, and that comes from within (and thus not your ego) will bring forth success in the long run.

But if you already are a business owner, manage a successful company, or run a branch office or a major department within a large organization, you may use the energies of this year to continue developing, growing, and expanding your business operations. You could focus on making long-term investments, implementing new strategies, establishing new long-term goals, and incorporating initiatives that will set the course for success, growth, and expansion over a period of nine years.

Here are some examples of activities you can implement throughout this brand-new Personal Year 1; design a new business model, develop new long-term business goals and strategies, create a new brand identity, build an additional website, launch new merchandise/products, add additional services or products to your current business model, launch new marketing campaigns, promote new products and services, come up with a new PR plan for a product launch, implement new data management and sales growth strategies, implement new quality control measures, upgrade your leadership and management skills, coach your team or invest in a trainer to train you and your team members, take on new experts/advisors, appoint a new management/leadership team, recruit new employees, invest in Research and Development (R&D), network with industry professionals, invest in new business development projects, invest in startups, set up new departments, branch offices, subsidiaries or an entirely new company.


Personal Year 2 (ruled by the Moon)

A Personal Year 2 is all about collaboration, cooperation, partnerships, diplomacy, creativity, vision planning, organization, reflection, skill enhancement, and relationship development.

So if you started a brand-new business venture in your Personal Year 1, you may use this time now to further develop and nurture the seeds you planted last year. Though things may not go as smoothly, efficiently, and quickly as you had envisioned (e.g., investors may pull out, you and your business partners may break up, or the number of sales and clients may suddenly fluctuate due to various economic factors), that shouldn’t stop you from moving forward. When you align yourself with the Moon’s energy, you will come up with the most creative plans and strategies that will help develop your business in a way that would not only serve you but also others. The key throughout this year is to be diplomatic and patient in all your endeavors and to find a balance between the people you work with, those who work for you, and those you serve—it doesn’t matter whether you are in charge of a startup, small business, midsize company or a department of a large company.

When you are the leader of the company, however, try not to draw too much attention to yourself. Be low key but remain connected to your clients, customers, and any business partners, stakeholders, and shareholders that you may have. You may also want to reflect on your business performance and operations, and how things went last year. Did you meet your sales objectives? Are you still on track with everything? Are the mission, values and goals still aligned ? Is everyone still on board with the company’s plans and strategies? Or if you launched a business last year, and you feel stuck in certain areas, you may want to ask yourself why you started the business in the first place. Perhaps you’ll realize that you may need a business partner after all, especially if you want to continue growing those seeds you planted in your Personal Year 1. A little reflection won’t hurt anybody, neither the company nor the office you run, but it may help you put future goals and the direction of the business into perspective.

A Personal Year 2 is also a wonderful time to nurture, hone, and improve your skill set so you can help run your company, organization, branch office, or department (and the people who are a part of it) successfully. It’s an opportune time to take up (soft and hard) skill training courses in, e.g., team management, HR, Finance, project management, strategic management, marketing, customer service and experience, effective communication, and effective leadership. Doing so may help you improve yourself not only as a business manager but also your team and everyone else involved.

If finances are low, you may also use this time to find (more) funding, including investors, to further grow your business projects. You can find funding for your business through investors, banks, family, friends, and partners now. In case you already run a company successfully, you can further develop it by nurturing and watering your current business relations. This could be between you and your employees (if you have them) business partners, managers, investors, customers, and clients.

Here are some other example activities you can do trhoughout the year to help improve your business operations and relations; reimagine and develop your brand identity, create and engage in collaborative projects, implement new ideas to improve customer experience, research new markets overseas, design new merchandise/products and services, implement new marketing campaigns, promote your best-performing employees, set up training plans for your least-performing employees, establish a Learning & Development (L&D) department, develop your soft skills, invest in training your employees, re-strategize HR departments (incl. policies and procedures), develop overseas business goals and strategies, visit overseas local branches, import/export new products, develop new departments, redesign and renovate your current offices, departments or subsidiaries.


Personal Year 3 (ruled by Jupiter)

A Personal Year 3 is all about development, expansion, growth, exploration, foreign affairs, creative pursuits, networking, visualization, and working on future goals and aspirations.

Out of all the years in a nine-year cycle, a Personal Year 3 can be seen as one of the better years where luck may be on your side – be it on a personal or business level. It’s an opportune time in which you can achieve one of the major business goals that was set in a Personal Year 1. Or you can work towards setting things in motion that will help you achieve your company’s vision, mission, and goals in the long run. So if you started a small business in your Personal Year 1, or your long-time business isn’t doing too well, then suddenly you may see it develop and grow like never before, provided you put in your best effort. You could see a sudden increase in customers, clients, sales, and revenue. For example, your visibility could expand as your performance and numbers on social media platforms gain a sudden boost.

In case you’ve always had that entrepreneurial spirit, but never jumped the plunge, then now you may take that risk and start a brand new chapter as an entrepreneur so you can turn all your creative thoughts, dreams, and visions into a physical reality. Whatever the case may be, whether you are an entrepreneur, multipreneur, department head, small business owner or you’re just starting your entrepreneurial journey; this year is excellent for attracting new business development opportunities, find capital funding to start or expand your business, connect to potential investors, business partners, draw in new clients and customers, increase sales and generate revenue. It’s a wonderful time in which you may gain various opportunities for financial investments, growth, and expansion. However, things may not come automatically. As mentioned previously, you and your team have to put in the work to make things happen without focusing too much on results or having any expectations of the outcome whatsoever. When you focus on the process, you may find that the gains and opportunities that you may receive may be beyond your wildest imagination.

The following activities can help you develop, grow your business in the long term; explore or research foreign shores/markets, enter new (international) markets,  import or export new products, network with new (foreign) investors, attend networking events, collaborate with industry professionals, design and launch new merchandise/products and services, hire more employees, promote your best-performing employees, create and engage in collaborative projects, implement new ideas to improve customer experience,  implement new and creative marketing campaigns, implement data management and visualization tools, create new social media strategies, invest in training yourself and your employees, get a mentor or become a mentor to your team members, develop new overseas business goals and strategies, create a new brand identity, launch a new company website or online store, launch new marketing campaigns, establish new long-term business goals and strategies, invest in Research and Development (R&D), invest in startups, and set up new departments, branch offices, subsidiaries or an entirely new company.


Personal Year 4 (ruled by Rahu)

In a Personal Year 4, you can continue building on what you envisioned for your company in the previous year or work on those visions, missions, and goals you established in your Personal Year 1. The focus is on expansion, growth management (strategies), exploration, foreign affairs, reinvention, improvements, repositioning, and re-strategizing your business and achieving your ultimate objectives and financial goals. But this comes with a twist. Why? Well, to achieve the highest goals for your company, you must think differently, do things differently, and take a step-by-step practical approach. This year, you are encouraged to grow your business and make strategic decisions in quite an unorthodox way by incorporating innovative systems that will help move your business forward in a more organized and structured manner. However, the approach you take and the choices you make now will require careful attention and extreme caution.

Why the caution? A Personal Year 4 can be a make-or-break year for you and your company. On the one hand, things may go so well that sales and profits may soar through the roof! But as you gain more profit and exposure, so may you gain more competitors and perhaps even conflicts with, e.g., business partners, investors, shareholders, etc. On the other hand, this could turn out to be a stressful and perhaps less profitable time as things may not entirely go as you had envisioned or planned because of unforeseen circumstances and external factors (e.g., a pandemic, global recession, natural disasters, change in consumer behavior, limited resources, etc.).

Though in a Personal Year 3 you probably did not expect all the gains and opportunities that you eventually received, however, in a Personal Year 4, things can go a bit differently. This time you will be focused on getting tangible results, obtaining more, and expecting more, so much so that you could have unrealistic expectations. Your hunger and drive for success could even turn into greed, with you wanting even more than you already have. You could focus on, e.g., wanting more sales, more revenue, more clients, more customers, more production, and more international expansion without having enough resources. In addition, a Personal Year 4 is ruled by Rahu, which represents illusion. What does this mean for you? It simply means you need to be extremely careful in all your business dealings, endeavors, and practices. Rahu’s energy could make you disillusioned, less level-headed, and thus not see things and people for what or who they are.  Because of the illusionary energy, you could get blindsided, and lack clarity and direction. This can lead to you being deceived by others (or yourself), and making bad decisions and senseless investments that could put your business into serious financial trouble, i.e., debt.

So, what can you do to navigate this year without falling into the trap of Rahu’s illusion? First off, don’t be result-focused; don’t get attached to outcomes. Instead, focus on the process and make progress one step at a time. Secondly, revolutionize the way you do things; focus on redefining your business practices, reimagining your business models, and optimizing your processes using innovative technologies. Implementing new business practices and models may require you to get on board with experts and advisors. Nonetheless, the key is to take things slowly and be strategic when implementing change and improvements.

To improve your business operations and maximize its potential, these next example activities can be of help throughout your Personal Year 4; reimagine and reinvent your business model, regenerate your business strategy, rethink your company’s vision and financial goals, restructure or reorganize your company, renovate your offices and departments (locally and internationally), implement change management, change your management strategies, review business policies and procedures, review your business partnership agreements, do market research on potential international markets, resolve conflicts and legal matters through legal experts, sort out financial matters by hiring financial advisors, find innovative and smart solutions to reduce production costs, implement digital transformation, implement quality control measures, find innovative tactics to better understand and outsmart your competitors, implement data management strategies for different areas of your company, conduct data analysis to analyze your sales, develop and improve your sales growth strategy, change your pricing strategy, reimagine your business with AI technology, recreate your branding and digital marketing strategy, work with Subject Matter Experts (SME) to improve different areas of your business, change your factory and manufacturers overseas, review your commercial and legal contracts, update and upgrade business systems and software, create a different product launch strategy, come up with a new plan to improve your customer service, upgrade your leadership and management skills, invest in a trainer to train your employees with the necessary skills (to do their job efficiently).

Something to be watchful of in your Personal Year 4  is to not let all the growth and success of your enterprising projects go to your head. Don’t let greed take over or be the driving force behind all your goals. Stay clear of any unethical behavior and practices. Remember that anything you gain or invest in now will be temporary and thus may not be beneficial long term. Always triple-check everything. And finally; when a business deal seems too good to be true, it is.


Personal Year 5 (ruled by Mercury)

A Personal Year 5 is all about change, unexpected events, communication, networking, commerce, trade, marketing, conflict resolution, creative problem-solving, and financial affairs.

This year requires you to make major changes surrounding your business practices and to take on a different approach to improve your processes. This includes the way you communicate and collaborate (with your business partners, investors, clients, and customers) and the way you manage, organize, operate, brand and market your business. It doesn’t matter whether you are an independent business owner, run a small company, manage a mid-size franchise, or are in charge of a department within a large organization. The focus for this year should be on doing old things in a new (and innovative) way. As such, you are encouraged to find new ways to optimize office workflow efficiency and business processes while increasing productivity, improving employee performance (and satisfaction), and enhancing your customer (experience) journey.

So if, for example, you struggle with sudden, fluctuating sales numbers, disorganized administration, financial mismanagement, manufacturing challenges, product defects, dissatisfied employees, and complaining customers, you may want to use this time to analyze and figure out the cause of these issues and sort things out accordingly. You may find that in a Personal Year 5, unforeseen circumstances such as a global recession, pandemic, natural disaster, limited resources, or consumer behavioral change could cause some of your business issues. Nonetheless, this year is an opportune time to bring back order into chaos, resolve conflicts, solve problems effectively, and implement efficient changes that will move your business in a healthy and organized direction.

So, what can you do exactly? What changes and improvements can you make to run your business more efficiently?

The following example activities can be of help to bring back structure into your day-to-day and improve your business operations; rethink and restructure your business model, regenerate your entire business strategy, restructure or reorganize your company, renovate your offices (locally and internationally), reorganize your office workspaces and departments, review business policies and procedures, review your commercial and legal contracts, review your business partnership agreements, implement change management, change your management strategies, change your factory and manufacturers, work with Subject Matter Experts (SME) to improve different areas of your business, sort out financial and legal matters by hiring financial advisors and legal experts, undergo a digital transformation, implement data management strategies for different areas of your company, conduct data analysis to analyze your sales, recreate your branding and digital marketing strategy, rebrand your business, revamp your company’s website, update and upgrade business systems and software, create a different product launch strategy, redesign your products and services, improve your PR plan, network with key industry professionals, improve your business skills, come up with a new plan to improve your customer service, develop and conduct employee and customer satisfaction surveys, invest in a trainer to train employees with the necessary skills (to do their job more efficiently), lay off some employees (if you have no other choice).

Whatever you do throughout this year; refrain from starting any new business venture (whether alone or with a partner), business development project, or taking any new uncalculated financial risks. Whether you’re doing something independently or you’re part of a partnership, try not to put yourself in a risky situation. In this mercurial year, things can happen unexpectedly, which can set you up for disappointment in the end. As mentioned previously, unforeseen circumstances and external factors can take your business in an entirely different and unfortunate direction. Thus, keep in mind that whatever new entrepreneurial or enterprising venture you start now may not be profitable in the long run. The best way to go forward is to focus on ongoing projects, review your business practices, and renew your processes.


Personal Year 6 (ruled by Venus)

A Personal Year 6 is all about balance, harmony, stability, financial management, values, conflict resolution, service, and fostering and maintaining relationships.

If things were chaotic and disorganized in a Personal Year 5, then now you will be given the time, tools, and opportunity to recover and bring back order into your day-to-day business management and find better ways to balance your business needs with the needs of your partners, investors, shareholders, employees, clients, and customers.

This is a time when things will be more stable and organized, especially if you stay on top of your finances. In case you’ve always been employed and have the finances to do something of your own, a Personal Year 6 is an opportune time to start a small business from home. If you are already a business owner, it is an excellent time to review and assess your financial situation and take stock of your assets and liabilities. By making a balance sheet, for example, you can gain a clear picture of your financial situation and put things in perspective so you can make better decisions, create new plans, and set new future financial goals. At the same time, it is also a decision-making year, in which you may, after careful review and examination, restructure and rearrange the future (strategic) direction of your organization, company, management, and anyone involved in your business (including your stakeholders and shareholders). On the one hand, if your business is financially healthy and growing, you could decide to expand and thus open up a new branch office. On the other hand, if your company’s financial health is on the weaker side, you might have to let go of certain aspects of your business and the people you do business with. Whatever or whomever you have to let go of now, make sure that you do it peacefully. Refrain from (contractual) conflicts and disagreements that might harm your business relations and its reputation in the long run.

In a Personal Year 6, you are also encouraged to make improvements surrounding your business practices and to take on a different approach to nurture and nourish the relationship with anyone involved in your business. This includes the way you incorporate your company’s values in the workplace and into your day-to-day operations. Do you practice what you preach? Does your pricing and branding strategy align with your customer values? Are you transparent about the pricing, the quality of your products, and the services you offer? Do your product claims and branding align with your company’s mission, culture, and values? Do you treat your partners, employees, clients, and customers the way you want to be treated? Do you think that the way you manage your business and be of service to your customers and clients aligns with your company values? If not, then what can you do to improve this? It doesn’t matter whether you are an independent business owner, run a small company, manage a mid-size franchise, or are in charge of a department within a large organization. This is a time to come up with creative and forthright solutions and make effective decisions to help not only your business but also those who help you. Remember that whatever decisions you make and the changes you implement now will be key to the future prosperity and success of your enterprise.

Here are some example activities that you can do throughout this year; review and reassess your company’s values, reevaluate and sort out your financial situation, set up new future goals, review your contractual agreements, dissolve a business partnership, implement new ideas to improve customer experience and service, improve HR processes and recruitment practices, develop and conduct employee and customer satisfaction surveys, invest in the wellbeing and skill development of your employees, promote your best-performing employees, increase team capacity, lay off employees (only if your business is financially unhealthy), improve your business skills, hire financial and legal experts, expand your business, set up a new branch office, invest in startups, launch a new brand or home-based business, redesign or renovate your offices, redecorate your work spaces, design and launch new products, add new services to your business, recreate your branding and digital marketing strategy, revamp your company’s website, update and upgrade business systems and software, create a different product launch strategy, revamp your company’s website, improve your relationship with clients, customers and business partners.

Personal Year 7 (ruled by Ketu)

A Personal Year 7 is about reflection, research, exploration, foreign affairs, re-imagination, unforeseen events, detachment, release, reduction, risk management (strategies), and transformation.

This year’s energy will require you to rethink and reflect on your company’s daily operations, management, and direction. So, are you still on track with your goals? Is your company financially stable or are you struggling to pay your invoices on time? Do you face constant challenges in meeting your sales targets? Does the quality of your products and services meet the demands of your customers, or do you need more research to do things differently? How is your relationship with your business partners, employees, clients, and customers? Is the business you manage and operate still the same as when it was launched? Whatever situation you are in, or whatever problem you may face now, this is an excellent time to contemplate various areas surrounding your business situation, reimagine how you do business, and take the necessary steps to make changes accordingly. Taking preventive action and implementing strategies to reduce costs and minimize risk and losses is key in this year, rather than waiting for external events to determine the course of your business. Sometimes, these preventive measures may even force you to downsize or let go of certain aspects of your business, including those who are part of it. You may realize that to maintain a strong and healthy organization, it may be imperative to let go of those things and people who no longer serve your company’s purpose. So, you may have to part ways with some people who helped you form the company, such as business partners and employees. As such, you may have to downsize departments and implement redundancies and thus lay off staff. Or you might decide to remove a service, delete products or a product line. However, if you are not aware of what goes on in your company or are not in tune with the universal energies, then things could come out of left field. For instance, your employees might suddenly quit, your business partner might pursue a different adventure, customers might leave your business, or your manufacturer might stop producing your products. Whatever or whoever departs now, be it through unforeseen circumstances or risk management strategies, understand that it is for the better. The energies of a Personal Year 7 will help you realize that you can do more with less. Once things have been reduced and removed, you can move toward a new path that aligns with your business’s core values.

Though a Personal Year 7 is a time in which you may have to restructure, reimagine, re-strategize, reposition, and transform your business model and workforce, make sure you do your due diligence. Also, do your research before jumping into new projects or investing in something that does not make sense. With Ketu influencing the year, your decision-making may not be up to par, and any decisions to take and agreements/deals you close now may not result in satisfactory results or be viable long-term. So, always take advice from experts before taking any drastic measures, or wait until the following year before you make a final decision.

A Personal Year 7 is not a great time for finances, major investments, making long-term business agreements, launching big projects, or moving forward with any form of financial goals. This is not a time to launch a new business, product, or service. Whatever you invest in now may cost you nothing but problems in the long run. But if you play your cards right and align yourself with the universal energies, and thus focus more on the well-being and health of your company rather than achieving external goals, you will see improvements. The best thing is to let go and release any attachment toward results and outcomes. Focus on the process and the progress you’re making one step at a time.

Here are some activities you can do throughout your Personal Year 7; implement risk management and preventive measures strategies, research new markets overseas, research your current market and industry, work with Subject Matter Experts (SME) to improve different areas of your business, sort out finances by hiring financial advisors, undergo a digital transformation, implement data management strategies, reimagine and transform your business with AI technology, reimagine your brand identity, recreate your digital marketing strategy,  revamp your company’s website, update and upgrade business systems and software, redesign your products and services, renovate and redesign your offices, improve your business skills, come up with a new plan to improve your customer service, develop and conduct employee and customer satisfaction surveys, invest in a trainer to train employees with the necessary skills (to do their job more efficiently), re-strategize departments (incl. policies and procedures), develop overseas business goals and strategies, visit overseas local branches to maintain relations.


Personal Year 8 (ruled by Saturn)

A Personal Year 8 is all about karma, hard work, structure, law and order, planning, organizing, controlling, making improvements (through slow progress), (social) responsibility, foundation-building, and material manifestation.

This marks a time when all that you’ve been working on from the start of your Personal Year 1, may come to fruition. If there’s any long-term goal you’ve been strategically working on over the past years, you may now reap what you’ve sown in this year of harvest. But the results you gain and thus what you may receive, will depend on your efforts, ethical behavior, and your (past) deeds, i.e. your karma.

In a Personal Year 8, you are encouraged to make significant improvements surrounding different areas of your business and establish foundations that will help make your business strong and healthy in the long run. The focus is to build solid structures that may lead to long-term growth and success. For this to happen, you may have to put rules and regulations in place and incorporate innovative ideas, organized automated systems, and new technologies to help your business prosper and make your workforce perform at their best. By putting innovative systems in place, implementing effective production planning, policies, and procedures everyone adheres to, and working together as a team; you can maximize production, minimize costs and time, and increase workflow, operations, employee performance, and ultimately sales.

A Personal Year 8 can be quite a tough year, as it may ask you, as a business owner and manager, to step up your game more than ever. Your organizational, leadership and management skills may be put to the test! Things may not always go as you had hoped as you may encounter obstacles and delays in various areas; from dealing with office politics, manufacturing challenges, inventory and production problems to dealing with labor shortage and customer dissatisfaction. For example, production may get delayed due to hiring problems and too many product manufacturing defects, employees may not agree with the company’s values and policies so they may go on strike or quit, or your customer complaints may increase due to mistreatment, defect products and bad service. At times, you, as a manager or CEO, may be required to put your pride aside and come down to your team’s level, roll up your sleeves, and get your hands dirty. But you will find that once you put your ego aside, get down to the nitty-gritty of things, and work together as a team (no matter your position in the company), you will able to come to a practical solution that may benefit everyone, not just you and your business.

This is also a year in which your business ethics and its impact on the environment, people, and animals will come forth. So, do you practice what you preach? Do you take responsibility and accountability for the way you do business? Do you do business honestly and ethically? What measures do you take to prevent your business practices from negatively impacting the environment, local communities, or the world at large?

Understand that during this 12-month karmic period, your business can soar to the next level or fall from grace. It all depends on how well you treat your internal and external stakeholders, including the environment and community you serve.

So what can you do to prevent or minimize the problems in this year of karma? 

Here are some activities you can focus on throughout the year; implement digital transformation including automated inventory management systems, incorporate ERP solutions, improve supply chains and forecasting systems, systemize office workflows, implement data management strategies, implement change management, change your management strategies, review business policies and procedures, review your business partnership agreements, enter new international markets, resolve conflicts and legal matters through legal experts, hire Smart Business Experts (SME), sort our financial matters, organize your offices, re-strategize departments, set new long-term goals, invest in new businesses, set new policies and procedures, update and upgrade business systems and software, redesign your products and services, implement quality control measures, modify your business model, invest in Research & Development (R&D), invest in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects, upgrade your leadership and management skills, come up with a new plan to improve your customer service, develop and conduct employee and customer satisfaction surveys, improve HR processes and recruitment practices, invest in Learning & Development programmes to train staff, promote your employees, recruit new skilled employees.


Personal Year 9 (ruled by Mars)

A Personal Year 9 is about endings, closure, completion, release, achievements, competition, conflict resolution, reflection, reevaluation, restructuring, re-strategizing, sudden events, and transformation.

You will come full circle in this final year of your nine-year cycle. Everything you started in your Personal Year 1 and the changes you’ve made in the middle of your cycle may come to a culmination. It is an eventful time when you will wrap up, close, and finalize various matters surrounding your business while you make plans and set new, ambitious, long-term goals.

This year’s energy will require you to review, reevaluate, and reflect on your company’s daily operations, management, direction, mission, values, goals, and achievements. So, did you achieve your company’s goals from nine years ago? Are you happy with the current state of operations, or do you need to redirect and change the course of the business entirely? Are the services and products aligned with your business’s core values and mission, or do you need to modify things here and there? How is your company’s financial situation? Is your company financially stable? Did you make any profits? Are you in debt or struggling to pay your invoices on time? Do you face constant challenges in meeting your sales targets? Are you ahead of your competitors or are they beating your market in every way possible? Does the quality of your products and services meet the demands of your customers, or do you need more research and do things differently? How is your relationship with your business partners, employees, clients, and customers? Is the business you run still the same as when it was launched? Whatever situation you are in, or whatever problem you may face now, this is an excellent time to contemplate various areas surrounding your business situation, rethink how you do business, and take the necessary steps to make changes accordingly. This is an excellent time to implement strategies to reduce costs, minimize expenditures, resolve debts (if you have any), and resolve conflicts and legal matters (if there are any).

Similar to a Personal Year 7, this marks a time of letting go; either by choice (through preventive measures) or by force (due to external factors). Unlike a Personal Year 7, those things that may come to an end are expected and foreseeable. If you are in tune with the universal energies, these events won’t come out of left field. Nonetheless, you may have to let go of certain aspects of your business, including those who are part of it, such as your stakeholders and shareholders. You may realize that in order to maintain a strong and healthy organization (and for new opportunities to come in), you must let go of those things and people who no longer serve your company’s purpose. And so, you may have to part ways with some people who helped you form the company, including your business partners and employees. For example, your business partner might pursue a different adventure which forces you to dissolve your partnership agreement. Or you may decide to downsize departments, implement redundancies, or your employees might suddenly quit. On a different note, your customers could also leave your business, your manufacturer might stop producing your products, or you might decide that it is time to remove a service or a product line from your business. Whatever or whoever departs or gets removed now, either through external events or implementing risk management strategies, understand that it is for the better. The energies of your Personal Year 9 will help you realize that endings are just new beginnings. Once things have been removed, you can transform your business and move toward a more purposeful mission.

Although a Personal Year 9 marks a time when you may have to restructure, re-strategize, reposition, and transform your business model, workforce, and finances altogether; remember that it is not the end. If anything, this year’s energy will give you new ideas, inspiration, and the drive to pursue new avenues. Whatever idea comes up; do your due diligence, but don’t let fear get in the way of not jumping the plunge to start new business development projects. So, if you want to grow and expand your business, go for it! Don’t be afraid of taking risks or making investments, as long as it makes sense in the long run (so seek advisors, if you must).

Here are some activities you can focus on throughout the final year of your nine-year cycle; Restructure and reorganize your business model (and workforce), review and reassess your company’s values and goals, develop new business goals and strategies, reevaluate and sort out financial matters, set up new future goals, review your partnership agreements, dissolve business partnerships and other contractual agreements, invest in new business development projects, expand your business, set up a new business or office, implement risk management and preventive measures strategies, research new markets overseas, research your current market and industry, research competitors, invest in Research & Development projects (R&D), work with Subject Matter Experts (SME) to improve different areas of your business, resolve conflicts, sort out legal matters, implement data management strategies, recreate your branding and digital marketing strategy, create new marketing plans, develop new sales growth strategies, revamp your company’s website, update and upgrade business systems and software, add new products and services, redesign your products and services, renovate and redesign your offices, relocate your business, improve your business management skills, come up with a new plan to improve your customer service, develop and conduct employee and customer satisfaction surveys, invests in training your staff, recruit new employees or let go of current employees (if you have to), visit overseas business relations, set up a new branch overseas.

That’s a wrap! I hope you now understand how your Personal Years, and thus your nine-year life cycles, can impact not only you but also the business you manage and operate.

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 Thank you for reading.
