* “Every person’s value is in the thought they hold.” (Rumi)
The planet that rules this year: Venus
Keywords & planetary energy: balance, holistic harmony, home, domestic matters, relationships, partnerships, love, romance, happiness, pleasures, desires, luxuries, comforts, self-improvement, self-esteem, well-being, health, healing, mental peace, contractual agreements, commitments, creativity, conception, birth, service, daily habits, routines, responsibilities, duties, work, values, self-worth, net worth, personal finances, material possessions, stability, security
What can you expect in a Personal Year 6?
After an unstable, and maybe even hectic Personal Year 5 (ruled by Mercury), you might appreciate the fresh energies that this year offers. A Personal Year 6, ruled by Venus, carries a slower-paced, stable, harmonious, balanced, and loving energy. Any uncertainty and chaos you might have experienced previously may stabilize now, as you may get the chance and time to bring more balance to various aspects of your life. The year will highlight common themes and matters in relation to the behavioral qualities, planetary energies, and signification of Venus, like the ones mentioned above. But the energies that may dominate the year more prominently will be in the area of your interpersonal relationships, domestic matters, livelihood, financial affairs, work-related matters, daily duties, responsibilities, values, pleasurable pursuits, health, and overall wellness.
This year’s Venusian energies may increase the desire, drive, need, and opportunity for you to live a (more) balanced life. From creating emotional security and financial stability for yourself and/or your family to establishing an efficient, healthy day-to-day routine while still finding some time to relax and enjoy the finer things in life, including your hobbies, interests, and creative ventures. So, if you’ve been living in total chaos and instability, and everything has been out of complete balance for quite some time, then now your attention may suddenly shift towards bringing things back to a state of harmony and complete equilibrium. You may focus more on finding mental peace and happiness (if you’ve lost it) while cultivating a better balance between your home and work life.
As the year starts, there may be a sudden need to improve not only yourself but also your relations with others, whether personally or professionally. You may suddenly desire healthier, more nurturing, caring, and more valuable connections with other people. But to create stronger bonds, it is imperative to take some time out to reevaluate all your interpersonal relationships, including partnerships so you can identify who does or does not add value to your existence, who matters, and who does not. If you have never assessed your values and priorities regarding your relationships before, you may want to use this precious time to figure out whether those people you always surround yourself with (e.g., family members, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, business partners, life partners, spouse) truly have your best interest at heart. So, ask yourself:
What do these people in my everyday environment mean to me? Do I feel comfortable talking to them or being in their presence? Do I feel at home with them? What does home mean to me? Who do I consider my soul tribe? Do I consider my immediate or extended family as my tribe, or do I feel more comfortable with my friends, business partners, or colleagues? Are the people I hang out with, work with, or live with the right people for my personal, professional, and spiritual growth? Do they make me happy? What do I value in a relationship or partnership?
The answers to these questions may be shocking, as they may reveal certain things about yourself and, especially your relationships that you weren’t aware of or may have swept under the rug. Nonetheless, if you’ve never had a closer look at the people in your daily life, this year’s energy may open up your eyes and enable you to see their true colors. You may see them for who they truly are. This can be in a positive or negative sense. Since the energy of a Personal Year 6 is more stable, it will, however, allow you to think more clearly, make decisive decisions, and take the steps to either improve your relationships or put an end to it all. In a way, you can consider this period as a make-or-break time, as you will make a thorough decision about who should stay and who should go.
As such, sudden conflicts, disagreements, and breakups could arise in your friendships, business partnerships, family affairs, or romantic sphere. However, these same relationships could flourish and elevate to the next stage, provided that they were built on a strong foundation. It is also worth noting that the strength and continuation of any relationship depend on whether both parties are willing to compromise, set aside their differences, and come to a common ground. And so, with Venus as the planet of love and romance, you can expect to see serious romantic commitments and partnerships being made or broken, either in your own life or in the lives of those close to you. For instance, if you’ve met a romantic interest in your Personal Year 5, you might deepen the connection by either moving in together, entering a registered partnership, or getting engaged. Or if you’ve been engaged for many years already, then you could get married now or the engagement might be broken off. In case you’ve been in an unhappy marriage, you might decide to split up with your significant other and file for a divorce. On a different note, if you’re single and looking for somebody, there is a possibility of meeting a potential love interest. But whether this connection may lead to a serious commitment may be revealed to you either towards the end of this year or in the next. In a different scenario; the relationship between you and a friend could suddenly thrive like never before or it may reach its final stage. And in terms of contractual agreements in the professional sphere, you might see a renewal or termination of your contracts, either between you and your employer or between you and your business relations (if you’re a business owner).
On a positive note, this is a period where you may spend more time at home doing fun activities with your loved ones or attend more celebrations outside of your home, such as birthday parties, graduations, baby showers, and weddings. Even people from the past will suddenly reappear. This will, however, give you the chance to reunite and catch up with long-lost friends, relatives, ex-lovers, and ex-colleagues. Though this could be a joyous and pleasurable time filled with get-togethers and reunions, it is also one of reconciliation and healing. As mentioned earlier, you might have to deal with issues or even drama in your relations, which can be anything; from quarrels and arguments to the sudden death of a relative or extended family member. When an unpleasant and emotional situation with someone close to you occurs, always remind yourself that time will eventually heal all wounds. Knowing this will determine how soon your wounds will heal. But only you can decide how you want to invest and spend your time. So, do you want to spend all of your time on feelings of anger, grief, and sadness or on joy, laughter, and happiness?
Venus rules your money, luxuries, pleasures, possessions, livelihood, values, and self-worth. Thus, it is a perfect time to not only reevaluate your relationship with others but also the relationship you have with yourself and your assets – the stuff you own. If you haven’t taken the time to review the material side of your life, then now you may reassess the value you place on yourself and on material things. Your attitude towards your personal finances, including the way you save and spend money, will definitely be up for evaluation. You could also feel a sudden need to rethink your goals, sense of self, and purpose. You could question whether the work that you do, the career you are in, the salary you earn, and the skills you possess add any value to your existence. How you make time for yourself to enjoy life’s pleasures may also come to your attention. So, as the year progresses, take a moment to rethink your (material) life and find out what gives you that sense of stability and security. Here are some questions that you might want to take into consideration, and may come to mind during this precious time:
What do I value in life? How do I value myself, including my talents and skills? What do I believe I am worth? How do I feel about my family values and do they match up with my values? How do I feel about myself? What do I think about myself? Do I love myself? Am I happy and content with where I am in life? If not, then what can I do about it? What do the words stability and security mean to me? What do I need to feel emotionally secure and mentally stable? What pleases me? What do I need to have a good time and enjoy myself? Do I want to have a better job, or am I already satisfied with where I am in my career? Do I want to earn more money, or am I already financially fulfilled? What are my thoughts about money? Do I have limited or unlimited beliefs about money? Do I always spend my money lavishly on wasteful things and luxury items (e.g. clothes, perfumes, beauty products, cars, jewelry), or am I constantly penny-pinching while depriving myself of occasional treats? Do I have enough stuff in my home or do I need more? Is there a balance between my expenditures, earnings, and savings? Can I easily let go of the things I own or do they hold any monetary or sentimental value?
Since *“every person’s value is in the thought they hold”, it is important that you carefully assess and analyze yourself. This will help you determine whether you need to redefine, renew, and improve your self-worth, net worth, self-esteem, self-image, appearance, career, earnings, spending habits, or entire lifestyle. Perhaps, after carefully examining your life’s choices and decisions, you may decide to place less importance on acquiring material things and become more budget-conscious. Or you could do the total opposite. In this case, you might decide to splurge more on luxury items and indulge in all the worldly pleasures. Alternatively, you may just find the perfect solution that enables you to balance your expenditure and love for fine dining and luxury travel. In terms of your career, you could suddenly feel fed up with your work environment and unhappy about the work conditions. You could, for example, realize that you haven’t valued yourself highly enough and that you are worth more than what you are getting paid for. You might feel that your employer does not recognize and value your qualifications and talents. This could, in turn, motivate you to quit your job, upskill yourself, and look for a better opportunity elsewhere.
If there is any time within your nine-year cycle to make more money and create better financial opportunities (for yourself and your family) or advance yourself on a professional level, then this is it. You could make significant progress in terms of your career, business, or overall finances. For instance, if you are unemployed and actively looking for a new job, you may find employment or opportunities to start your own business. On a different note, if you desire a promotion or want to create additional sources of income, you can creatively manifest this as well. Or if your business wasn’t doing well in the past, you might gain more clients or find innovative ways to market your products and services and increase sales. These things are all possible now. However, one thing you have to keep in mind is that advancement in any area of your life only happens once you know your worth and are willing to try out different things by stepping outside of your comfort zone. If you could not step outside of your comfort zone last year, in your Personal Year 5, then now you can take some time out to figure out how to get out of your shell and make things happen for you. Once you understand and discover your sense of value, what you are worth, and who you are as a person, you’ll be able to improve yourself, and perhaps make more money, increase your savings, improve your talents and skills, and also your relationships.
To bring more satisfaction into your life and create a sense of stability and security, a change of residence may be of sudden interest. So, if you’ve never thought about moving before, you might have a change of heart as the year’s energies could trigger the urgency for you to find your place on earth, considering that you haven’t found it yet. If this is the case, you could decide to move house, put down roots, and settle into a new home. Especially when you realize that the place you used to call home no longer feels like one or it is just not secure and stable enough to accommodate you and your family. As such, you could rent a new apartment in a new city or you might become a first-time homeowner in an environment where you feel more in your element, and thus at home. Or, if you’ve been living far away from your family of origin (due to work commitments) and have not seen them in a while, you may decide to look for a new job so you can live closer to your roots. On a different note, if you already feel settled and comfortable where you are, you may decide to renovate, redecorate, or redesign your apartment or house, and spend more time in your garden – if you have one.
As the number and planet that signifies creativity, conception, procreation, and sexual energy; you might hear the wonderful news of children coming into your world. Either someone close to you, like a family member, could get pregnant or give birth. You could also become a grandparent (if you already have adult children) or a first-time parent if you desire this. If, for example, you conceived in a Personal Year 5, you may give birth in this year. Or, if you conceive this year, you may become a new parent in the following year. Alternatively, if you have ever considered adoption, foster parenting, or sponsoring a child, this can be a favorable time to start the process. Since Venus symbolizes the animal kingdom, you might decide to sponsor an elephant or adopt a newborn puppy. In case you already own a female dog, she might get pregnant unexpectedly, and give birth to six puppies! However, the idea of conception and the experience of giving birth to something can also have a figurative meaning. For instance, you could just give birth to a novel idea or a creative passion project that you invest your heart in. You could also establish a home-based business as a continuation of improvements you’ve made in the previous year. Whatever idea you create, conceive, or bring into existence, know that this is a beautiful time to further improve your creative skills, develop your artistic talents, and take things to the next level. Whether you do that through literature, writing, fashion, music, film, beauty, culinary arts, graphic design, architecture, interior design, web design, or visual arts; it doesn’t really matter. Anything is possible! Due to the influence of the number 6, i.e., Venus, you may see your creative juices flow like never before, provided that you align yourself with the planetary energies, as this will allow you to get inspired and feel the wonderful vibration.
Compared to last year, where the focus was mostly on self-exploration, learning, and personal development; now you may find yourself being more of service to others so you can use those new skills you’ve learned and put them into practice. So, whether you like it or not, people may ask and expect a lot from you. If the reverse is the case and you demand others to serve you, then you may have to do some self-reflection, as this type of behavior does not align with the year’s energies and could cause some friction in your relations. Nevertheless, you may find that others would require more of your attention and may need your help more than ever. This could be in your personal or professional environment; from your family, friends, and colleagues to clients, business partners, and romantic partners. When you adopt a service attitude it often means that more work, duties, and responsibilities may come to you. So while you strive to manage your day-to-day and balance your work and leisure time, others may expect you to support them in their day-to-day. Thus, besides yourself, you could devote a lot of your time, energy, and effort to making sure that those around you feel happy and content as well. This could play out in various scenarios. For example, you could work more from home on a full-time basis and – besides the daily drama and stress at work – you may have to deal with family matters, renovations, and other household chores simultaneously. You could also have a part-time job and a home-based business, and juggle between your duties at home, your place of work, and your side hustle. Even if you are unemployed or do not have a profession or career, you can still deal with all kinds of domestic matters more so than usual. For instance, you could suddenly cook more for others, experiment with new recipes, and may even gain an obsession with keeping things clean around the house. Whatever extra chore, duty, or responsibility you add to your life, make sure that people do not take advantage of you. Try not to let other people overstep your boundaries or exploit you for your kindness, generosity, talents, and skills. Always be very protective and cautious of who and what you spend your time and energy on. Because with this year’s energies, people may rely a little too much on you and the services you provide, whether personally or professionally. That is why it is important for you to understand your limits before you end up with the burden of a responsibility that you did not sign up for in the first place. In case you find yourself in a recurring situation in which others expect you to do more than you should, then you may have to address this by politely declining their request. Understand that it is absolutely fine to say “No” every once in a while, as this will prevent you from overextending yourself. If you find it difficult to balance your needs with those of others, then it may be that you are not entirely in tune with Venus’s energy. Once you thoroughly understand what is required of you throughout your Personal Year 6, things can become easier. As such, you may be able to better balance your service toward others and your desire to work on your self-care, self-improvement, personal development, and creative home-based projects.
Speaking of self-care: your health could be a serious matter, especially if you’ve been neglecting yourself or doing more than you were supposed to and didn’t have time to take care of yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically. A visit to the doctor as part of your regular medical check-up could even shake things up and bring more awareness to you, as you may discover something that might have a negative effect on your well-being. This could trigger you to reflect on how you spend your time and energy and take proactive measures. For instance, you could decide to change your daily routines, activities, and the way you work, which could help improve your productivity and efficiency. In addition, you may rethink your habits altogether and take on a new approach to help you nourish your mind, body, and soul more effectively. Things you may reconsider and initiate as part of your new self-care schedule and healthcare regimen could include; changing your eating patterns, starting a new exercise routine, building a new skincare and haircare ritual, and incorporating vitamin supplements into your diet. Alternative healing methods, treatments, rituals, and practices might also spark your interest; e.g., herbal medicine, homeopathy, hot stone massages, acupuncture, yoga, and meditation. Keep in mind that whatever changes you make or new healthy habits you start now may also benefit you in the years down the road, provided that you remain consistent. You may learn that the better you take care of yourself, the more you can be of service to others in a healthier manner.
A Personal Year 6 is ultimately a solution-oriented, decision-making, and service-focused time in which you may gain the opportunity to bring more harmony, peace, and stability into your life. The Universe will help you establish and understand what and who you find important; from the people who matter to the things you value, including the value you place on yourself. The Venusian energies will influence and encourage you to take stock of what you have, what you want to let go of, and what you want to accomplish in the future. Once you’ve established who or what no longer fits in your long-term plans, you can then take the steps and make preparations accordingly. The sooner you can recognize and identify what or who you need to release, (whether those are things, people, places, emotions, thoughts, bad habits, or ambitions) the easier you can cope with the energies of the following year, which is a Personal Year 7 – a time when you will learn to let go of the past. In the end, whatever choices and decisions you decide to make, either on the personal or professional front, always do it from the heart and from a place of love, and keep a healthy balance between yourself and others.
Side Note: The examples mentioned for each Personal Year are merely examples based on my personal experience and observational research, and might not apply to your personal situation entirely. However, if you relate to some events, then they could have happened in a previous cycle already, or you might go through some of them right now. And if you do not relate to any of the events pertaining to your present cycle, then they may have yet to be manifested in the future. It is all possible. But keep in mind that in order to understand your Personal Year, you should know the meaning of the planets in Astrology. Simply because each year is influenced by a certain planet. Once you have a basic understanding of the astrological significations of the planets and their association with the numbers in numerology, it will be easier for you to see how the energies may play out in your own life. In addition, having some self-awareness about your own behavioral pattern can also help you work better with the energies instead of fighting against them.