Numerology is, in short, the study and language of numbers. It is an ancient esoteric, mathematical philosophy and spiritual science about humans and their behavior through numbers. Many moons ago, sages (a.k.a. Wise people and philosophers of the ancient world) discovered an energetic connection between numbers, dates, and letters of the alphabet. They found out that numbers, including letters, carry specific energies. These energetically charged numbers can influence how we experience life on Earth. On the one hand, numbers can provide you with a wealth of information about yourself and what makes you unique, including all of your psychological characteristics and personality traits, both positive and negative. Your potential, talents, purpose, desires, and even karma can also be seen through the numbers that make up your date of birth and the numerical value of the letters in your full name (based on your birth certificate). All this information is stored in your so-called numerological DNA. Through this, you can learn about the path your soul has chosen to walk in this birth, including the challenges and obstacles you may face, the lessons you ought to learn, and the opportunities you can seize to prosper in life. And so, the day you were born can tell you a lot about why you are here, what you came here to do, and who you are meant to be (and not what society and the entire world expect from you). On the other hand, numbers can help you decipher and predict various events in this world and in your personal life. Thus, apart from the psychological aspect, there is also a predictive side. Through your date of birth, you can predict important life-changing events in relation to career, business, finances, marriage, relationships, house moves, or even childbirth. You can also foretell when someone may experience sudden material gains, losses, or spiritual growth. How is that possible? Well, in numerology, it is the belief that our existence and everything we experience here on Earth accords to a mathematical pattern of nine-year cycles. Hence, we go through life in cycles of nine years that repeat themselves throughout our life span. That is why, from a numerological perspective, only nine numbers are significant, and all calculations run from one to nine. Now, sometimes, you can even see what might happen in someone’s life without knowing their date of birth. That is because life is all about patterns, repetitions, and cycles. When you pay careful attention, you may find that we, as humans, often put ourselves into situations in which we repeat the same behavior. No wonder the saying history always repeats itself. But once you study life through numbers, you will become more aware of these cycles and patterns and prevent yourself from repeating the same behavior again, especially when you want to grow and improve the overall quality of your life. Numerology can, to a certain extent, help you realize this. 

Does it work and is it scientifically proven?

The Western world does not recognize numerology as an ‘official’ science. Western scientists do not consider this a scientific tool for personal development and self-improvement. Most people see it as another system of Divination or write it off as Pseudoscience, which is unfortunate. From my experiences, observations, and research, I can attest that the philosophy behind numerology works. I see numerology as a spiritual science and an alternative type of behavioral psychology. It is an effective method that can help you understand the nature and cycles of human behavior from a mathematical and psychological standpoint, but with a spiritual perspective. In addition, it can help you better understand the drive and reasons behind your own and other people’s actions and, thus, behavior. Therefore, things will seem less of a prediction and more like an opportunity for improving one’s self-awareness and behavioral patterns. However, just like astrology or any other spiritual art, there will always be skeptics. So, the only way to understand the art of numerology is to do your research. Learn the theory and put it all into practice. Only then you’ll be able to conclude and decide for yourself if it works or not. And like with anything in life, always use your own best judgment and logic.


What is the purpose of numerology, and what are the benefits?

The purpose of numerology or any other esoteric science is not to scare you or to tell you what’s going to happen to you five years down the line, although some may think otherwise. Instead, these ancient tools exist to guide you, help understand yourself and the world around you (through the energies in the sky), and help you identify your own (negative) behavioral patterns so you won’t repeat them in the future. Although numerology is better known for its predictive aspect, it is more than just a predictive tool. Namely, with the help of numerology, you can explore life’s hidden aspects and mysteries. Besides that, it can help you reveal the whys and wherefores of your existence, which may boost your confidence, self-esteem, and self-awareness in the long run. Numerology is a simple yet empowering self-help learning tool that combines mathematics with spiritual understanding to help you develop, improve, and grow yourself profoundly. It is also a fun, creative, explorative, and playful way to learn more about other people, including their personalities, characters, and motives for behavior. And what makes it even more fun is that you do not have to be a math guru to understand the calculations. If you know basic adding and subtracting, you’re all set. It is that easy!

Another benefit of numerology is that it can, at some level, help you reveal your past and present life karma. When you understand your karma (both good and bad), you will aim to become a better person instead of blaming others and the entire world for your circumstances. In addition, knowing your numbers can help you identify the root cause of your behavior and recognize the relation between your past and present behavioral patterns. Once you understand your life’s patterns and increase your awareness through the energetic vibration of numbers, you can take proper action to improve your behavior and maximize your full potential. By fully understanding your cycles and patterns of behavior, you can ultimately strive to live more on purpose and design and not by accident or default. So, if you are curious about your purpose here on Earth, numerology might be the tool for you, as it can provide you with some interesting, eye-opening insights.


What I have learned from numerology

Based on my personal experiences and observations, I find numerology an incredible learning tool for self-discovery and understanding human behavior. It has opened my eyes and allowed me to see the world from a different and higher perspective. The study of numbers, combined with astrology, and applying it to my everyday existence, has enabled me to discover new truths about myself, including my hidden talents. It helped shed light on why I struggled with finding happiness and contentment in my everyday life. It also showed me how to cope with my accumulated karma, especially with people. In addition, numerology has given me a sense of purpose and the guidance I needed to help me understand my behavioral patterns and that of others. I have learned that when you live a conscious life, you will make better and conscious choices. Because of numerology, I am more aware of my surroundings and more in tune with the universal energies. I can see things more clearly, which enabled me to notice how everything in life repeats itself. And because of this knowledge and wisdom, nothing feels like an accident, a mistake, or a coincidence anymore. I now have more faith than ever, knowing everything happens according to divine timing and orchestration. I know better when to forge ahead with my plans and when to slow down. In addition, numerology has taught me the importance of practicing non-attachment, which made it easier to accept the impermanence of life. Moreover, it has renewed my belief system and motivated me to keep going, even when the going gets tough. But at the same time, the art of numerology has also taught me to balance my aspirations and expectations, as this will reduce disappointment and anxiety about the future and increase the enjoyment of life’s simplicity in the present moment.




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