We all have a purpose in life. We all came here on a mission to experience life in such a way that will help us grow on both a personal and spiritual level so that we can elevate to a new level of consciousness, and reach our soul’s destiny. But what exactly is a purpose?
There are many definitions and ideas about what a purpose is. But based on my experience, a purpose is something you came here to do. Your soul came here to do something that will not only help you, but others as well. It doesn’t always have to be in relation to your career, job, or profession. It doesn’t have to be anything major that may get you some sort of world fame, recognition, or monetary reward. Absolutely not! A purpose could also be something minor, but still significant. It could relate to your hobbies, day-to-day activities, and voluntary work in which you help others in your community or it could pertain to you taking care of things and people in your household. These things may not pay the bills, but they may provide you with various non-monetary rewards, such as emotional fulfillment, inner peace, and inner happiness.
Now, to know what you are meant to be doing in this lifetime, you need to find out what your desires are, which can be either ego-driven or soul-driven. Whatever the case may be, knowing your desires can help you discover and better align with your purpose. Not everyone knows what their purpose is, what path they should walk, and what they are destined to do in this life. However, in numerology, there are different ways to find this out. The obvious method is through your core numbers, such as your Life Path, Birth Day, Expression, or Heart’s Desires, etc. Another way to figure out what you are meant to be doing is through your Personal Years, as they can provide you with some eye-opening insights.
To be more specific, there are three years in which the Universe will help you unfold your path, and re-align you with your purpose (in case you’ve lost it) through divine guidance, various messages, signs, symbols, situations, and events that take place throughout these years.
So, which Personal Years am I talking about? Well, keep on reading!
Personal Year 1 (ruled by the Sun)
The first year in which you may see some clues that can help you discover your path and purpose is in your Personal Year 1. This year is ruled by the Sun, which symbolizes creation, initiation, authority, independence, and self-expression, but also your soul, identity, ego, and the essence of your being. With the Sun ruling this year of new beginnings, the Universe will present you with various opportunities to start afresh, delve into new adventures and ventures, try out new things, expose yourself to the world, and meet new people. It is through these new initiatives, endeavors, undertakings, and events that take place in your Personal Year 1 that you may see where you are being directed. Now, a Personal year 1 is also a time of soul searching. So, the more you dig deep into your soul, and tap into your inner child, the more you will figure out what you like and dislike. This will, ultimately, help you discover your heart’s desires. It is also in this year that the Universe may speak to your soul through various ways such as signs, symbols, and numbers, but you will only see, hear, and understand these divine messages clearly once you go within, and carefully pay attention to everything around you, and align yourself with the energies of the Sun. Only then you will see which way you have to go.
To learn more about a Personal Year 1, click here.
To learn about the astrological signification of the Sun, click here.
Personal Year 3 (ruled by Jupiter)
Your Personal Year 3 is the second year in which the Universe may help you discover new things about yourself that you probably didn’t even think were possible. So if you didn’t figure out your purpose in your Personal 1, then two years later you will get another chance to awaken your soul. A Personal Year 3 is ruled by Jupiter, which symbolizes expansion, growth, spiritual development, higher knowledge, creative self-expression, luck, happiness, abundance, blessings, and opportunities. Jupiter symbolizes the wise guru, teacher, and counselor that can help you unfold your Dharma; the righteous path full of morality, honesty, and integrity. It is the true path your soul is destined to experience, but only when you align yourself with the Jupiterian energy, and do things not just to help yourself but also others through all that you experience here on Earth. So, if you do not know which way to go, then this year the Universe will help you find your Dharmic path by expanding your knowledge and broadening your worldview through typical Jupiterian activities. This can be through writing, teaching, publishing, reading, studying, traveling, and various other spiritual practices, personal development activities, and creative endeavors. You will be exposed to various opportunities to help broaden your horizons and widen your worldview. It is through the experiences and opportunities you gain this year that you may discover what fulfills you from within as well as without. However, the opportunities that you may receive won’t magically appear. It is you who has to create these for yourself through your own thinking, imagination, and initiative. Just know that whatever thoughts you create will reflect from the outside—be it positive or negative. But once you are willing to change your perspective, uplift your spirit through various inspiring ways, and elevate your consciousness by quieting your mind and going within, you may hear the positive messages you receive from the Universe clearly. When you are ready to accept these profound messages (that may come through either your conscious or subconscious mind) and remove everything that brings you down, you will be able to see the world in a positive light. In addition, the more things you initiate (as a result of your creative imagination and positive self-affirmation) and bring into existence, the more opportunities you will attract in your life, and the more you will find out what truly brings you joy, contentment, and happiness. Once you know what makes you feel blessed, you can share this new knowledge and wisdom with others purposefully.
To learn about a Personal Year 3, click here.
To learn about the astrological signification of Jupiter, click here.
Personal Year 8 (ruled by Saturn)
If life still has been somewhat blurry and confusing in the first seven years of your cycle, then things will become significantly clear by the time you arrive in your Personal Year 8, which is ruled by Saturn. This planet symbolizes your Karma; i.e., what you came here to do, whether you like it or not. You came here to balance out your past life actions, whether these were good or bad. Obviously, you don’t have control over your past (actions) but only what you can do now. So, in this lifetime, including your Personal Year 8, you will make up, repay, or get rewarded for the deeds you have done in previous lives. Now, whatever situation you go through, and the karmic events you experience in your Personal Year 8, you will also get a reality check. The Universe will show you through your day-to-day activities and the people you deal with daily—be it in your personal or professional environment—that the way you’ve lived your life thus far may not be viable, or provide you with any long-term stability and security. However, if you are self-aware, in tune with the energies of Saturn, and believe that you can turn things around (through positive self-affirmation, and adopting a growth mindset), then this sudden realization or wake-up call may trigger something within you. Namely, you will show up to the occasion and take the necessary steps to improve your circumstances through discipline, service, hard work, consistency, perseverance, responsibility, and accountability, so that you can realize your potential and live a life of purpose. Thus, when you know what you need to do to live a more fulfilling existence (be it for emotional, spiritual, or material fulfillment), you will do whatever it takes and slowly build your way toward accomplishing and completing this mission—whether this pertains to your career, health, living situation, relationships, the community you belong to or the world at large.
To learn about a Personal Year 8, click here.
To learn about the astrological signification of Saturn, click here.
That’s a wrap! These are the three years in which the Universe will help you discover your path and (re-)align you with your purpose through various spiritual downloads, circumstances, events, people, obstacles, challenges, and opportunities. Your Personal Years 1, 3, and 8 can truly set you on a path of a purposeful existence but only if you are self-aware, willing to raise your vibration, align yourself with the universal energies, and do things that are more soul-driven rather than ego-driven. Now, it is important to note that if you cannot figure out your purpose in one cycle, then the Sun, Jupiter, or Saturn will remind you about it in the next one. Hence, you will be put in similar situations, and presented with similar clues and divine guidance to help you unlock your potential and discover what you are destined to do in this lifetime.