There is a time for everything, and everything has its time! Numerology is not only a wonderful tool for self-improvement but it is also useful for goal-setting, organizing, making important decisions, and planning various activities. Think of things like signing contracts, applying for jobs, launching a business, moving to a new place, renovating a house, traveling, or getting into a new relationship. No matter what you have going on in your life, using numbers as your personal guidance can help you make decisions at ‘the right time’. And by ‘the right time’, I mean Divine timing and not always when we want. However, once you learn how to co-create and cooperate with the Universe,- and add some math into it – things can happen for you and not against you. Numbers work in such a way that their energies (in connection to their planetary influence) can give us guidance on when to be productive, take action, and move forward with our plans and goals. They can also serve as a reminder that it is okay to take things slower than normal; i.e. numbers can make us aware of the fact that we don’t always have to be productive in life. In fact, sometimes it is necessary to just sit back, relax, and take a chill pill.
Now, wouldn’t it be nice to know the best time to search and apply for a job, instead of wasting your precious time and energy on sending out hundreds of applications without even getting one interview? Or wouldn’t it be great to find out the perfect time for you to write and publish that amazing book idea you’ve had for a while now? Or are you thinking about relocating, but still on the fence about the timing of your move? If you’re curious to find out the best time to do any of these things and more, then keep on reading. Because in this post I will show you, in a simplified manner, how and when you can plan and execute some of these common human activities (e.g., sending out job applications, moving house, traveling, launching a project) using monthly and yearly numerical cycles.
But before you proceed, you might want to check out these posts first (especially if you’re very new to numerology):
- Predictive Numerology 101: What are Personal Years and Universal Years?
- 3 Things to be mindful of when working with the energies of your Personal Year
- Personal Years, Personal Months, and Personal Days: What has the biggest influence in your life?
Now, for the three examples that I will share next, I will show you how to use your Personal Month and Personal Year numbers simultaneously when setting yearly goals, planning your monthly activities, or making important decisions. For this, I’m going to re-use the table, as per below – one that I have already shared in the aforementioned posts. As you can see, it is an easy-to-read overview of the monthly numerical energies within each Personal Year. More so, it is a great system to help you plan and organize your life on a monthly basis within your nine-year cycle, so you’ll be better prepared for sudden changes, obstacles, and opportunities.
So, without further ado, let’s start!
Example 1
Let’s say that you’re about to enter a Personal Year 1. This year is ruled (or heavily influenced) by the Sun. So the energies throughout your Personal Year 1 will be all about new beginnings, initiation, action, creation, (creative) self-expression, your appearance or image, independence, and various other areas pertaining to the energies, behavioral qualities, and significations of the Sun. As you can see from the table, the month of April within a Personal Year 1 is a Personal Month 5, which is ruled by Mercury. This simply means that April is a good month to travel, have more fun and explore new things, learn a new language, go on a weekend getaway, try out a new foreign restaurant, or experiment with new cooking recipes. It is also a great month to start a writing project, improve a business website, enroll in an online course to upskill yourself, or update your CV/resume and apply for a new position. However, since April is considered a ‘Mercurial’ month, you should also prepare yourself for unexpected changes and events in relation to communication, travel, transportation, your immediate environment, etc. Things may not go as planned. This may require some flexibility and adaptability from your side, especially when planning activities, setting goals, and making important decisions during this month. Nevertheless, the energy of a Personal Year 1 is often an ambitious year, where the focus will be on you, your dreams, goals, and aspirations.
Example 2
When you’re about to enter a Personal Year 2, you should be aware of the fact that the Moon rules this year. So, the energies throughout your Personal Year 2 will be all about areas pertaining to the behavioral qualities and signification of the Moon, such as emotional balance or imbalance, well-being, comfort, support, patience, relationships, cooperation, self-reflection, dreams, creativity, subconscious mind, and intuition. The month of May within the same year is a Personal Month 7, which is ruled by Ketu. This often shows that May would be an excellent month for introspection, relaxation, and self-care. You may feel the need to drawback for some time, go on a retreat, and nurture yourself while balancing your connection with others. It is also a wonderful month to explore your creative side, study, read, write, do research, and focus more on both spiritual and healthy practices. It is also good to make some changes to your home so you can feel more comfortable. However, it is not a good month to go forward with your material ambitions and goals, such as launching a business, moving house, or applying for jobs, because you will simply waste your time and energy. You could, however, search for vacancies, but it wouldn’t be a good idea to send it out just yet. Well, not until you have reached June (a Personal Month 8, ruled by Saturn). So, you should consider May as a month to take it easy. The same goes for the entire year, which could be quite emotional and intense, especially if you are not living a balanced life. The month of September (a Personal Month 2) could be even more intense as it carries double the energy of the Moon. This could be a time in which you might focus more on helping and supporting others with their projects or you could focus on bettering your relationships with those around you, while also taking some time to nurture yourself and nourish your soul. In general, a Personal Year 2 will require you to put the focus more on others, while doing some self-reflection, developing your inner world, and creating an emotional balance between yourself and others. This year will require you to be patient and let things unfold naturally.
Example 3
When you find yourself in a Personal Year 8, you should know that Saturn rules the year. So, the energies throughout your Personal Year 8 will be all on areas related to Saturn, such as karmic experiences, limitations, boundaries, hard work, social status, organization, self-empowerment, effort-based results, financial rewards, and material manifestation. The month of February within the same year is a Personal Month 1, which is ruled by the Sun. This often shows that the spotlight may be on you, so the month of February may be a wonderful month to start something new, such as; launching a business, asking for a promotion, applying for or starting a new position, signing important contracts, buying a house, getting married, or publishing a book. However, you can only achieve these things when you have put in the work yourself. Things won’t just manifest themselves and magically come into your life. Besides, you will be under the influence of two strong planetary energies and numbers, namely Saturn (8) and the Sun (1). Nevertheless, this year is one where you can most definitely move forward with your goals and ambitions. At the same time, it is also a karmic year. So you might reap the fruits of your labor or pay for what you have sown, especially in May (number 4 – ruled by Rahu) or the month of September (where you’ll feel double the energies of the number 8). The month of May is actually a good time to get your financial life in order, and go back over your goals, reorganize yourself, and create new to-do lists, as this month could come with some unexpected obstacles or challenges. However, the amount of challenges you may face depends on your karma, ethical practices, and the amount of effort you put into all that you do.
Based on the grid table above, here are a few things to keep in mind when using numbers as your personal guidance:
- When using Personal Month cycles, keep in mind that each month has a different number. So, the planetary influence within a Personal Year changes on a monthly basis. However, the Personal Year number remains the same, which has the most significant influence overall.
- When using Personal Month cycles, keep in mind that each month has a different number. So the numerical and planetary energy within a Personal Year changes on a monthly basis. However, the Personal Year number remains the same and has the most significant influence overall.
- Though the numerical and planetary energy changes each month, September is quite a special month because it always has the same number as the Personal Year you are in. For example, if you are in a Personal Year 7 (ruled by Ketu), then September is a Personal Month 7 for you. And if you are in a Personal Year 2 (ruled by the Moon), then September will be a Personal Month 2. As mentioned before, the energies during the month of September can therefore be quite intense. Everything you have experienced over the past nine months may suddenly get illuminated.
- As you can see, the last two months of an old Personal Year and the first two months of a new Personal Year have one thing in common: they share the same numbers. This simply means that throughout January and February, you may feel similar energies to the ones you’ve already experienced in the previous months i.e. in November and December. You can also consider the last two months of each old Personal Year as a preview of your upcoming Personal Year.
- You can also incorporate the energy (or the influence) of the Universal Year number when you have important decisions to make or want to set a certain goal. To learn more about Universal Year numbers, click here.
- If you want to be more precise, when planning your day-to-day life, you can take things a step further. By incorporating your Personal Day number (along with its planetary influence) you can plan a variety of events on a specific day that is more energetically aligned with both the Personal Year and Personal Month. For example, if you are in a Personal Year 6 (ruled by Venus), in the month of May (which is a Personal Month 2 – ruled by the Moon), and you want to adopt and care for a pet, you can do so on the 13th of that specific month. Why? Because 1 + 3 + 2 = 6 Personal Day. To learn more about Personal Day cycles and how to calculate yours, click here.
- It is also helpful to learn what the stars are doing in terms of astrology when planning and organizing a variety of things in your life. For instance, if you have an important decision to make, such as signing a new long-term business contract, it might not be a good idea to do this when Mercury is retrograde. Or it might not be wise to get back to your ex when Venus is retrograde or go on a spending spree when both Jupiter and Saturn are also in a retrograde motion. You might also want to check out the moon’s phases. Namely, things like new starts, finalizing projects, signing contracts, and moving house are best done during the waxing phase (the period between the new and full Moon). Activities like relaxing, reflecting, and recharging your batteries are best done during the waning phase (the period after the full Moon). So, it won’t hurt if you incorporate some astrological guidance into your numerological decision-making process.
Before I end this post, I’d like to share a list of example activities you could undertake in either your Personal Years, Personal Months, or even Personal Days of the same number. This is also ideal for goal-setting. So, if you have some personal goals and ambitions you’d like to achieve in your nine-year cycle, this list may help you get the ball rolling as it indicates the best time for you to take appropriate action. Though nothing is edged in stone, and life changes constantly, it may still give you some clues to work it.
Personal Day/Month/Year |
Example activities/things to do |
1 (Sun) |
Start new projects, express yourself creatively (e.g., write a book, sing a song, play games, exhibit your artwork), launch a business, enroll in a study program, update your resume/CV, start a new job or career, begin a relationship, get engaged or get married, start a family, spend more time with children, begin a new health regimen, update your hairstyle, move homes, travel, socialize, meet new people, plant a tree, set future goals |
2 (Moon) |
Engage in spiritual practices (yoga, meditation), research your family’s history, write a book, keep a dream journal, do service-oriented work, spend more time with children, reconnect with past contacts, work on collaborative and creative projects, go to therapy, enroll in a psychology course, introspect and self-reflect, decorate or renovate your home, travel, do self-care activities (e.g., massage, facial, prepare a home-cooked meal) |
3 (Jupiter) |
Travel, socialize, plan a party, attend religious or spiritual ceremonies, work on creative self-expression projects (writing, singing, acting, teaching), read or publish a book, explore new interests, enhance your finances, go on job interviews, legalize documents, expand your home or business, spend time with children, expand your family, get legal advice, get married, apply for a visa, enroll in a higher education course, change your appearance |
4 (Rahu) |
Reinvent your career, sign contracts, redesign or expand a business, set up a financial investment plan, review and restructure your personal finances, create a budget, renew your insurance, reorganize your office, declutter or renovate your house, travel to a foreign place, try alternative healing methods, detox your body, change your diet, take an online certificate course, get a license, set new future goals, reconnect with past contacts, reflect |
5 (Mercury) |
Travel, explore your local environment, try out new hobbies, adjust a business, redesign a website, edit a book, work on content writing projects, promote products or services, change your hairstyle, learn a language, enroll in an online course, get a license, improve your practical skills, organize your finances, update your resume/CV, go on job interviews, fix your car, do home repairs, socialize, meet new people or reconnect with old contacts |
6 (Venus) |
Sign contracts, go on dates, make wedding plans, plan a party, redesign your garden, redecorate your house, move homes, make family plans, adopt a pet or a piece of land, buy a car, change your eating habits, improve your health and daily routine, start a home-based business, upskill yourself, improve your creative talents, design a website, apply for a job, be of service to others, evaluate your finances, pamper yourself (e.g., massage, facial) |
7 (Ketu) |
Research, explore and study new subjects (e.g., metaphysics, astrology), write a book, travel, go on a retreat, engage in spiritual practices, visit a place of worship, work on your hidden talents, detox your body, get into a new workout regimen, declutter your home, donate clothes and other items, end a career or employment, end a relationship, close a business, quit a bad habit or addiction, cut your expenses, introspect and reflect, get therapy |
8 (Saturn) |
Launch or expand a business, apply for jobs, enhance your career, upgrade your skills, enroll in a training program, review your finances, set up a budget plan, publish a book, make long-term commitments, set new future goals, legalize documents, sign contracts, improve your health, buy land or property, move homes, organize your office and home space, renovate your house, be of service to others, improve your relationships |
9 (Mars) |
Wrap up and complete projects, end relationships, make amends, close a business, break contracts and sign new ones, change jobs or careers, update your resume/CV, apply for an educational course, sell and buy a new house, relocate, do volunteer work, travel, finalize documentation, start a new health regimen, detox your body, change your appearance, repay debts, declutter your home and office space, set new personal goals, reflect and recharge |
I hope that through these three quick examples and the list provided above, you now have a clearer idea of how to work with the energies of your Personal Years alongside your Personal Month numbers. And not to mention the importance of the Universal Year, your Personal Day numbers, and the astrological transits (based on your personal chart), as these may also be helpful in planning your day-to-day life.
Once you know how to work with your personal numbers, you’ll be able to make the best out of your cycles. More so, you don’t have to waste your time and energy, or sit and wait for things to happen to you. Instead, you can take action at the appropriate time and make things happen for you! This will help you get a more balanced, simplified, and organized life.
As always, thanks for stopping by, and thank you for reading.
- Get access to my library of Free Astro Numerology Cheat Sheets
- Learn more about Personal Years.
- Learn more about the signification of the planets in astrology