I am a Life Path 5 and I know what it feels like to get itchy feet, take (uncalculated) risks, and sometimes make impulsive decisions. I have always felt a sense of restlessness within me. Ever since I can remember, I’ve been a restless soul, wandering around the earth constantly looking for something new to experience in life. I have always felt the need the explore new places, learn new things, and seek new opportunities for personal and professional growth. But life has taught me that forcing things or jumping on the next plane to a new destination (without thinking things through) won’t necessarily improve my circumstances or my inner world. As I have grown older and wiser, and have learned a thing or two about the art of patience, I have also learned to accept my situation as is by incorporating daily habits and practices into my everyday existence. Doing so has enabled me to minimize the restlessness within me and move with the flow of life in a much better yet tranquil manner.

So, in this post, as a fellow Life Path 5 to another, I will share some things that I have applied in my life and that have helped me. I will share five different ways for you to better cope with your everyday environment and minimize any anxiety, restlessness, or impatient behavior that may come up from time to time. When you apply some of these tips to your own life and turn them into a daily habit, you may see significant internal and external changes you didn’t think were possible. In addition, when you step up to the challenge of turning a (positive) behavior into a (good) habit through a daily routine, you may even be surprised by your own abilities and what you can achieve.

Let’s begin!


Be selective with your desires, hobbies, and interests

We all have desires we feel we need to get fulfilled in this lifetime. After all, our desires are, besides our karma, the reason why we came into this birth. It is not wrong to have desires. However, wanting too many things can set you up for disappointment quite easily, especially if your expectations are too high and you cannot achieve any of your desired goals. And when your expectations are not being met, it can lead to actions and sometimes self-destructive, addictive behavior that you may regret later on. So from one Life Path 5 to another; do not have too many desires! The more you have, the more you become restless when things do not go as you had anticipated. So be selective and realistic when it comes to your desires; know what you can and cannot achieve.

The same goes for hobbies and interests. Life Path 5s are very mercurial and natural pleasure seekers; they love to try out new things and seek pleasure in various things. Now, there is nothing wrong with trying, but if you keep trying out new things, replacing one thing after another (without being aware of the consequences of your actions), and getting fed up after a month, then there might be a problem. So, try not to have too many hobbies and/or interests. Be selective in the things you want to explore. Understand that the more you seek, the quicker you will lose your interest. Though you may have the tendency to jump from one thing to another (especially when life becomes stagnant and boredom kicks in), this impulsive behavior won’t lead you anywhere but where you started. In addition, when you give up easily, it can lead to you not finishing or achieving anything significant in your life. And so, the best thing to do is to stick with one hobby for at least one year and see how this will turn out. Learn as much as you can about that new area of interest. Wait things out and don’t jump ship after two months. Try to stick it out and notice how you feel after a year.

This brings me to my next point.


Develop your practical skills and become a master at what you do!

Now, if you’ve chosen one area of interest that you want to explore, you ought to develop the skill set that comes with this new venture as well. However, keep in mind that just because you are interested in one thing, doesn’t make it a hobby. You have to make it a daily practice, learn everything about this topic you are interested in, devote yourself wholeheartedly, and develop your skills accordingly. Become so good at what you do that you can do it with your eyes closed and still enjoy it. This can be anything from cooking, cleaning, painting, driving, drawing, programming, coding, writing, and speaking, to teaching, language learning, professional organizing, and designing. But in order to reach this level of mastery, you have to build a routine and discipline yourself. Since Life Path 5s are quite prone to all sorts of distractions and tend to not finish what they started, it is imperative to learn self-discipline and practice the art of patience. Once you’ve mastered one skill, you can focus on learning something else. However, keep in mind that change does not have to be impulsive, and self-mastery does not happen overnight, but it can come gradually and slowly.

In addition, the more you keep yourself busy learning new things (within the same discipline) over a period of time, and exploring your creative side, the more you will discover what makes you happy, and the less room for noise and distraction to enter the mind.

This brings me to the next point.


Clean, Cleanse, and Organize Your Space

A lot of people can function properly in a messy, hectic, loud, and chaotic environment. However, Life Path 5s need a clean and organized space. Though they are detail-oriented and enjoy creating order from chaos; living and working in chaos will mess up their minds. That is because Mercury, which symbolizes the mind and nervous system, influences Life Path 5s heavily. Now, it is common knowledge that your external world can affect you internally. So when you, as a Life Path 5, find yourself constantly in a disorganized and crowded space, be it at work or home, it can affect you on a mental level. This can lead to frustration, irritation, moodiness, and even arguments with those you work and live with. Hence, it is imperative to work and live in a space that is quiet, clean, and neat so you can think clearly and be your creative, analytical self. So, from one Life Path 5 to another; get organized! Always make time to clean, cleanse, and organize your space! Because a clean space means a clear mind. In addition, know that the more stuff you get, the more dust you collect, so try to minimize your possessions by buying less. Now, whether it’s your desk, office, kitchen, bedroom, closet, or living room; make sure that these areas are always in order. Whether you energetically cleanse your environment with sage, or physically with an all-purpose cleaner, doesn’t really matter, as long as the result is fresh, cleansed, and organized. You will notice that when everything is in order and the room you find yourself in is dust-free, you will be calmer and more peaceful within. This will enable you to focus better and make it even easier for new ideas to enter your mind.

Moving on to point nr. 4.


Schedule Some Me-time to Recharge Yourself

Life Path 5s enjoy being busy and love doing things that are mentally stimulating —things that enable them to crack their brains sort of say. However, constant mind-consuming tasks, overthinking, and over-analyzing (about life) can cause mental exhaustion and make you feel overworked. Whether you’re working on a personal passion project, a business, or a work-related task, it is important that you take occasional breaks to free your mind, rejuvenate, and recharge yourself. So from one Life Path 5 to another; schedule some Me-Time! Every now and then, take some time out for yourself, so you won’t feel depleted or over-exhausted. Take up any activity that calms the mind and relaxes the body; e.g., taking long warm showers, facial steaming, listening to music, reading, exercising, cycling, long-distance walking, or engaging in spiritual practices such as yoga and meditation. Traveling to new places within your local environment or exploring areas that are further away would also provide you with some fresh, new energy. Just make sure that the type of escapism and relaxation activities you choose, do not turn into a bad habit.

This brings me to my final point.


Incorporate a balanced diet and strive to adopt an overall healthy lifestyle

A busy lifestyle can affect your health and overall well-being, including your daily consumption. Since Life Path 5s are connected to the planet Mercury, they are, generally speaking, prone to have dietary and digestive issues, especially when Mercury is in retrograde, or when they feel bored, anxious, stressed out, or live in their mind too much. Thus, as a Life Path 5, it is paramount to find a balance in the things you consume, which should not just be limited to your food intake or the beverages you drink. In fact, the things you buy, the information you absorb (via TV, social media, etc.), the people you surround yourself with, and the time you spend (or don’t spend) on exercise can also influence your health and well-being significantly. Thus, your lifestyle choices—i.e., what you eat, drink, buy, absorb, and spend time and energy on — can impact you both internally and externally. But when you become more self-aware, adopt a healthy lifestyle, and strive to find a balance in the way you do certain things, it can improve the overall quality of your life.

That said, these are some of the various ways I cope with my restlessness as a Life Path 5.

Although this blog post is dedicated to Life Path 5s, however, these points may be useful for those with a Birth Day Number 5 (or that adds up to the number 5), or anyone who feels a sense of restlessness, anxiety, or impatience.